Pete Dune - Training

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This is a part 2 to cuddles.

Y/n PoV

It's now Thursday. My alarm was going off so I lent over and switched it off. I looked at Pete who as peacefully asleep at the side of me.

After the weird ass shit that happened on Tuesday. Pete had stayed at mine all Wednesday we'd spent the day baking, watching movies and playing video games. Trent, Tyler, Millie and Rhea had all come over for dinner so we ordered in again and we watched the new fantastic beasts and then how to train your dragon 3.

I went to get out of bed and get ready for the day but Pete wrapped his arms around me.

Pete - mmm stay in bed and cuddle a little longer love.
Y/n - okay but I have some errands to run today.
Pete - we can do them later. Just cuddle time now.
Y/n - your adorable especially when your sleepy.
Pete - only for you.

Me and Pete cuddled for a about 25 more minutes. When my phone started ringing. It was my instructor so I answered it.

Phone call

Lucy - hi (your nickname) are you still on for teaching tonight. If not then we can cancel it.
Y/n- no I'm good I'll be there. Takes a lot more than that to make me back down.
Lucy - that's what scares me.
Y/n - Pete will be there with me tonight anyway.
Lucy - That makes me feel better. If they show up again you kick them back out the door they came in. if you need to cancel their membership and revoke their licenses.
Y/n - will do Lu.
Lucy - see you next week.
Y/n- see you soon bye.

I put my phone back on the table and cuddled back into Pete.

Pete - was that Lucy
Y/n - yeah she was making sure I was okay for tonight.
Pete - sweet of her. What time does it start
Y/n - 4pm whilst 9pm
Pete - That means we have loads of time to get the errands done you needed to do.
Y/n - it does. I'm gonna take a shower.
Pete - okay babe I'm going to make breakfast.

I went over to my wardrobe and picked out my clothes for the day. Whilst Pete brushes his teeth. I picked a pair of black jean, a black and white pair of converse, my grey defend Indy wrestling hoodie. I laid them out on my bed. And joined Pete in the bathroom. He'd already turned the shower on for me. So I quickly brushed my teeth once I was done I grabbed my towel and body wash and everything. I put them on the side near the shower. So I could take what I needed in with me. Pete was done cleaning his face so I turned to him and gave him a kiss. As we pulled away Pete pulled me into a hug. He rested his head in my shoulder.

Pete - what do you want for breakfast today.
Y/n - I'll have avocado on a bagel. What about you.
Pete - you know what that sounds fantastic. Think I'll join you in that. You want a cappuccino with it.
Y/n - yes please.

Pete walked out the bathroom and down the stairs. I shut the bathroom door but didn't bother locking it. As there is only me and Pete here. I got undressed and carefully took off my butterfly stitches and then unwrapped the bandage on my wrist. The cuts were healing nicely so I wouldn't need to dress them again. I would just clean them once out of the shower. My wrist however would still need taping.
I grabbed my body wash, shampoo, conditioner and body puff and I stepped into the hot water. I set the things in the floor and began to the the water cascade down me. Once my hair was wet enough I began washing it with my apple scented shampoo. I let the suds stay in for a few minutes then washed it off. I grabbed my apple conditioner and lathered that through my hair. I twisted my hair up into a bun to let the conditioner sit for a while. Whilst that did its job I grabbed my body puff and rose scented body wash and washed my body being carefully of my hand and wrist when it came to them. I stepped back into the water and washed all the sudds off me. Then I took my hair out of its bun and finger detangled my hair. Once I rinsed the conditioner out of my hair. I turned the shower off and stepped out onto the bath mat. I wrapped on of my big grey fluffy towels around me and I went over to the mirror and washed my face with the Johnsons face care daily essentials gentle exfoliating wash. i added a bit of tcp with a cotton bud to put on my cuts. I moisturised my face with the tarte drink of H2O. I went back into my room and dried my hair I decided to not wear makeup today as I didn't want to disturb the cut on my forehead or lip. I decided on putting my pastel green hair up into two messy space buns. After that I got dressed in my clothes I had set out. I carefully wrapped my wrist and freeze sprayed my knuckles. My lip and head had almost fully healed. Pete always said I had super powers cause any cut i got would be healed in a few days. I went downstairs.

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