Aleister Black - Headspace

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Plot - Y/n has a bad day whilst in tour so she heads back to the hotel early. Without meaning to she slips into her headspace. When Aleister comes back and finds her crying how will he react to the woman he loves being so upset. Although they aren't dating they are both very close and care for each other a lot.

Note - Aleister isn't with Thea in this story. But I adore them as a couple it's no hate on her or them. Just an idea a friend gave me.

Your PoV

I was waking around backstage after my segment on nxt live tonight. Today was pretty fun me and Aleister had done a promo with The Garganos. It went really well. I think my favourite part was when Aleister picked me up into a huge bear hug in the ring before carrying me up the ramp. Because it's a live show we're allowed to have a little more fun. See me and Aleister have always been close since out time on the uk indies. But during that time I'd developed a crush on him. I mean it was hard not to. The mans gorgeous, sweet, kind, thoughtful, protective. Hell he's perfect. I think everyone knew I liked him bar him. But that's okay because he's way out of my league. As I walked backstage I could hear some of the new recruits taking about me. Taking about my appearance and how my makeup must mean I'm insane or unloved. I know I'm different and I'm happy about that. I love the fact I'm a Norse Pagan. I have since I was a child. But hearing them slate my culture and beliefs and how our traditions and way of life must make me insane hurt. I've never had anyone be so horrible. I've had people judge and throw quick insults but to flat out judge and hurt me personally because of my appearance was new. I caught a glimpse of myself on the window.

This was normal for me when cutting a promo hell even when I wrestled my hair and makeup were still the same

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

This was normal for me when cutting a promo hell even when I wrestled my hair and makeup were still the same. I'd been using Norse/Viking style mixed with gothic/alternative style in my wrestling gear and outfits since I started. I wanted to be a personified version of me. Something bigger than what I could do daily. Like today I had once of Aleister shirts on. Which was actually his. I'd left my shirt at the hotel so he lent me his. Then I wore some "gothic" leggings and a pair of Doc's. To be honest the only real difference from most of the girls was my makeup and the fact I wore my mjolnir around my neck but I never took it off. It was a gift from Aleister one Christmas. I'd lost mine on a tour of Scotland. Aleister noticed and bought me one and gave it to me as a Christmas gift. So it had like triple the meaning to me. It represented not only my belief and culture but it showed how much Aleister cared as well as reminding me of the first Christmas me and Aleister spent together. I went to walk into catering and grab some food. I was plating up my food when the three girls from earlier walked up to me and blocked my path.

Ella - good your having a salad you could do with one. Fat bitch.
Anna - what do you think your doing taking Aleisters attention away from us.
Morgan - he only works with you because he pity's your because you're such a fat unloved pathetic bitch.
Ella - how are you even over with the crowd your just a freak.
Anna - what the fuck even is this.

She went to grab my necklace which made me step back and clasp my hand over it making sure it was still their.

Y/n- just leave me be.
Ella - aww is the fearless oh so great Y/n gonna cry.

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