Damian Priest - Save Me

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Plot - this is part 3 and the final part of the thunder buddies mini series. This is set the following week to the other parts. Y/ngoes out to the ring with Tegan Nox the two of them make their promo. They have a brawl against but when y/ngoes to leave Johnny and Candice come out to talk to her and bully her. Will Damian repay the favour and save her like she did him.

Your PoV

I was stood backstage as I watched Tegan go out and do her entrance. The crowd always loved her she was just that likeable. She was going out to confront Dokota Kia and Raquel Gonzáles. I'd be going out as backup in case she needed it. She wore one of her favourite sets of ring gear it was a black, green and silver combination. As always she had her knee braces and her brown leather jacket. Once she reached the ring she climbed up and grabbed two mics and stood in the middle of the ring as she waited for me. As I got ready to go out Damian walked past me. Me and him had been on plenty more dates since our first two week ago. I guess you could say we were an unofficial couple. We'd agreed the morning after our date that we'd be exclusive to one and other. Given that we roomed together and quite often traveled together now we'd spent a lot of time getting to know each other and just having fun. Damian stopped at my side and pulled me into a hug.

Damian - how are you baby girl
Y/n- slightly terrified.
Damian - why
Y/n- Tegan's so over with the crowd what if they don't like the idea of me and her being friends.
Damian - hey listen to me. The crowd love you. They'd be daft not to. They'll love the combination of you and Tegan. You two are gonna put Raquel and Dakota in their places.
Y/n- thank you love.

Damian placed a kiss to my head and pulled me into a hug. Just then my theme started playing. My theme was currently a song called Are You Tired by a wonderful woman called Rose. I straightened out my clothes.I had on a pair of black skinny jeans, one of Damians merch shirts and a leather jacket. I quite liked wearing other people's merch on the roster just for show my support to them so this wasn't really a new thing for me but it would be the first time I wore Damians merch. My jacket covered my shirt completely since I'd done it up. I had on my normal ring boots which were actually the same as Rheas which made us both laugh. My hair was straightened and put up into pigtails with a few pieces of hair framing either side of my face. My makeup was an orange and black Smokey eye look with a matte black lipstick. I'd chosen to take Damians advice and start showing my tattoos more. For a lot of people it was a shock but for some people they kinda guessed I had some. Then their were tattoo lovers like me, Damian, Rhea and plenty of others backstage who loved them for the craftsmanship.

 Then their were tattoo lovers like me, Damian, Rhea and plenty of others backstage who loved them for the craftsmanship

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My theme song played and I waited for my cue before I walked out. I posed at the top like I normally do the. I walked down to the ring and stood at the side of Tegan. She handed me my mic. Me and Tegan go back years we'd met in the British indie scene when I lived over there.

Dakota - what are you doing here
Y/n- seems to me like your picking an unfair fight her. You've got your little bitch with you. You gonna let her of the lead tonight.
Raquel - what did you just say about me.
Dakota - woah chill out she's just trying to get in your head.
Y/n- kinda proving my point there. But back to my point Dakota you seem to have it in for anyone who gets more attention than you but the sad truth is you can't even fight your battles when you pick them. You have to have Raquel two steps behind you. But I'm done standing by and watching the two of you bully and belittle my friends. You want a fight let's go.

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