Adam Page - Soulmates

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Plot - Adam has always had a crush on you, a female wrestler who was in ring of honour with them and was now in AEW. He considers you  a friend as you does him. No what he doesn't know is that your in the same boat as him. And also  has know clue how to approach it on one hand you think dating Adam would be the start your very own fairy tale but then again you doesn't want to get hurt again. Adam wants to ask you out but thinks your  still with your ex and he doesn't want to be a home wrecker, even if he thought you were single he has no idea how he would ask you because he doesn't want to loose you if she doesn't feel the same. What they don't know is they are both hiding one big secret. They're soulmates. In this soulmate au I will be using soulmarks to show the connection between soulmates. Y/n is also Mark Haskins baby sister.

Your Pov

I was sat backstage chilling with Britt and Brandi the three of us had planned a girls trip to the beach for this weekend. The three of us laughed and joked with each other. When Adam, Penelope and Kip approached us.

Y/n- hey Adam, hey guys how are you all. Penelope wanna come to the beach with us this weekend
Penelope - hey girls and sure count me in.
Kip - hi
Brit - great we just need to ask Rebel, Rhio and a few of the other girls and we're set.
Adam - hey ladies, we're doing great thank you. Urm (your nickname) could we borrow you for a minuet.
Y/n- sure I was gonna head over to hair and makeup anyway. Can we walk and Talk?
Adam - works for me
Penelope - I was heading there next so it makes it easier for me.
Y/n- great what can I help you three with?

As I went to stand up Adam instantly offered his hand to me to help me up so I took it and stood next to him. The four of us began walking and talking.

Penelope - well this was meant to be Kenny vs Kip but since Kenny got hurt yesterday it got changed to Adam. Riho was meant to come out to support Kenny but she's not here tonight since she thought the match had been cancelled.
Adam - since what the four of them had planned was pretty great I said I could ask a few gils backstage that I could work with to see if we could keep the double team and interfering spots and well your the only one I really talk to. So you were the only person I considered asking.
Kip - Jesus Christ what my fiancé and Adam are trying to say between them was could you accompany and help Adam out tonight?
Adam - if you don't want
Y/n- Adam of course I'll help I told you back in ring of honor you could always count on me. Nothings Changed.
Adam - thank you I owe you
Y/n- Don't be daft. You'd do the same for me now before me and P have to get ready want to run through some things.
Adam - definitely the training rooms empty backstage. And always here if you need me.
Kip - sounds good
Penelope - lets go.

We changed the direction we were walking slightly so that we were walking towards the training room. Once their we discussed entrances Kip and Penelope would go out first and mock that no one other than Kenny would standby Adams side then I would walk out and stand next to Adam before urging him on. The guys ran the match which went incredible. I had 5 spots. Basically P would try attacking Adam to which he would catch her as I pull her out the ring and beat her up a little. Adam and Kip would recover in the ring but Kip would sneak out the ring to help P beat me and try taking a cheap shot at me I would avoid and help Adam out a little. Since it was no dq we had more options. There would be a spot in a match where Adam would have to catch me as Kip would try to use me as a weapon. Then me and Penelope would fight again. Then to finish off Adam would hit the buckshot lariat on Kip as I finished off with Penelope. Once everything was finished me and P left the guys as we went to hair and makeup.

Penelope - so when are you gonna tell that poor cowboy that you like him?
Y/n- when I learn how to be social.
Penelope - well fuck this could take a while. But I did have an Idea. Remember last summer when we were messing around at the party.
Y/n- yeahhh
Penelope - he gave you the okay didn't he?
Y/n- he did.
Penelope - surprise him then dumb dumb.
Y/n- okay. Run it a few times with me quickly.

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