Pete Dunne - cuddles

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Pete Dunne Cuddles

Promt - Y/n has a crappy day at training. Two new guys flirted with her then got pissed off when she rejected them. So they started being horrible to her for the entire 3 hours. All she wants is to go home to Pete and cuddle on sofa and forget everything. But she can't cause Pete is traveling with progress. And he won't be back till tomorrow.

Your PoV

I was currently teaching a group of 10 beginners the basics to karate and kick boxing. I had met  them all before and they were very nice. But the 2 new lads that had joined about 2 weeks ago. They'd attended 10 lessons and were really pushing my buttons.

Y/n - okay so we're going to go back over stances. Can you all show me a ready stance.

The class did it bar the two boys.

Y/n - excuse me Jake and Logan, you need your legs closer together.
Logan - that's a shame because I want you in between my legs.
Y/n - that's not appropriate to discuss in class and for the record I'm taken. Now can you please show me a ready stance.

They did half heartily. So I made a mental note to speak to our main instructor about it.

Y/n - who can show me a horse stance.

The class showed me horse stance even the boys.

Jake - ummm I would love to see you in this position in front of me.
Y/n - that's very rude and insulting. Make one more sexual reference and you will both be thrown out of the club.

We worked without any real problems trough to the third hour. Yes there had been some snide reactions and comments. Their hands hand lingered more than necessary and sometimes they would just randomly touch me. Upon starting the third hour we begin sparing but rather than being in separate groups the whole class came together to work as one. That's when they started being demeaning. Because I was taking it easy on the kids they would make comments along the lines of I was no good at sparing, I'd bought my belt not earned it, I didn't belong in this class, I was out of place in a mans sport. When it came to sparing them they purposely didn't listen to the rules. We didn't do throws,submissions or locks as a club. But one of them threw me across the mats causing me to hit my head on the wall. Then the other hurt my wrist and stomped on my hand. Making me fracture my knuckle. After training I helped pack away and then begin the walk home. I managed to get caught in the rain so by the time I got to my street I was soaked through to the bone. I was absolutely freezing. My hands were turning blue as well as one as being bruised. My hair was sticking to me it was so wet.

As I got closer to my house I could see the living room light was on

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As I got closer to my house I could see the living room light was on. That's weird I don't remember leaving it one. But anyway my wrist and hand were killing and I swear I had a concussion and I knew I had a cut on my forehead as well as a split lip. I was in so much pain I just wanted to cry. I had what I wanted to do planned in my head. I'd run myself a bath and as I did it I'd have some food. Then I would get ready and check my wounds again and jump in bed and try and ft Pete. I finished walking from the end of my street to my house and I unlocked the door and walked in. I dipped my bag by the door and turned to lock the door. I walked into the living room and screamed Pete was back and he'd hidden behind a wall so I couldn't see him.

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