23. The Ends Beginning Part 2

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He looked at me, staring deep within my soul as if he could see my ancestors. " You, Clio Thalatte, are the last remaining descendant of Lycan, son of Alpha."

My eyes widened. Lycan, the last remaining son of Alpha was my ancestor? I couldn't fathom the connection.

And yet, I did believe it. Something in the way he said it made it true.

"That why you are so powerful. It isn't about you being a female or male for that fact. It's because you are the only descendant of Alpha." His smirk grew. "That's why only you can sit on the throne. Only descendants of the first two and their mates can sit on the throne of the werewolf world. Unfortunately, that is ends today. "

As soon as he had finished, a army appeared along on the opposite ridge. Thousands upon thousands of rogues roared and cheered, easily matching our numbers.

Once again, my eyes widened. "You tricked us with your story."

"Surprising what the truth can do, huh?" He taunted and faster than I could register, grabbed my neck. Tingles exploded where he touched, the tingles that were meant to bring me happiness now rendered me useless.

Let us help, Moon begged.

Only together else nothing, I shouted back.

I could feel the two wolves looking at each other, deciding whether or not to work together.

Together, They said together.

They both pushed to the surface as one. Michael raised an eyebrow.

"Let this battle begin." He tossed me in the valley.

A cheer even louder than before erupted from the rogues as they charged, jumping and shifting midair.

I twisted midair, shifting into...something. It wasn't quite Moon nor Manhattan, something totally different and more powerful than I could have ever imagined.

While midair, I surveyed the ongoing battle. Rogues in their massive forms were charging my pure army. A few of my soldiers were fighting Michael and the sound of bones breaking surrounded him.

Finally, I landed on all fours as the two armys clashed. Something caught my eye, a twisting Michael who landed gracefully on the opposite side of the battlefield.

"Come Moon, is this not what you wanted?" He shouted in glee and broke into a run. I did the same.

Soldiers tried stepping in his way which he broke. He literally broke them. Gripping their massive wolf heads and snapping it, grabbing their forelegs and tossing them into the valleys sides.

Then he jumped, shifting and charged straight into me. When we met, a discharge of energy flew through our ranks separating them for just a moment. Then Fenris snapped at me and it was like time unpaused, the armies clashed once more.

"How does it feel Moon?" Fenris asked as he  bit at my neck. I backed up looking for an opening to end it but saw none.

"It feels like this shouldn't have gotten this far." She answered.

Fenris chuckled. "Always one to avoid the situation."

The next few minutes were filled with claws, fangs and growls. It was as if we were perfectly matched.

Memories echoed in my mind as I tried clawing Fenris.

First I saw Moon, beautiful and innocent, filled with dreams for what her planet could be.

The scene shifted to Moon's trust and hopes being crushed over and over again by her subjects but still blindly giving it to them. I saw Fenris urging her to see what they were doing.

I saw Fenris leaving her, determined to kill anyone who posed a threat to Moon.

I saw Fenris suffering through years of fights and abandonment. I saw how he went about it: taking those who suffered, taking their pain as his own and giving them what they wanted. Whether it was love, friendship, revenge or power, he gave it to them because they of all people deserved it.

I saw how he hadn't even sensed Michael, that my mate was just rare. I saw the battle that made him legendary and the story behind it.

I watched as a alpha's daughter, (somehow I knew she belonged to the alpha) meeting Michael in a secluded area in a forest. I watched as she tried to seduce him and he refused, claiming that she was not his mate. The scene shifted to Michael kneeling in the mud infront of his alpha and pack, receiving his sentence of death by alpha.

I watched as the two circled each other, the alpha shifted already but Michael in his human form. I saw how the alpha tried to kill him from every possible angle but Michael just dodged and clawed with his bare hands until he snapped the alphas neck.

I saw how everyone paused before they rushed him, chasing him out of their pack.

My mind snapped back to the view of Fenris pinned under me. His wolf face held a grin but I saw the tears running from his eyes.

And just for a second, I saw through the wolf form of Fenris to see the god and in him Michael and his wolf. They were all here, all in there.

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