13. Enemy

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I walked through the halls, throwing every guard that stood in my way to the side. I made my way into the main foyer where rogues were streaming in and causing chaos before running inside. When they saw me though, they all ran outside.

I looked at the two bronze doors that stood adjacent. With my strong hearing, I could hear the steady march of the queens army coming down all of the halls. I grabbed both doors and ripped them off their hinges, before tossing in different directions at the army. I turned and walked out but from the sound of cries I could tell it was effective.

Rogues miled around howling and whooping. I howled and they all fell in line.

I looked at the top floors of the palace. There, somewhere, my queen was running to face me again. Soon, she will fall just like every alpha and luna I had faced before.

"I shall return and when that time comes, I will not fall victim to your tricks again." I promised. Then I howled but this time it sounded just like the Fenris'.

Every rogue shifted and ran for the walls. I turned and walked in the same direction as my warriors.

"Fenris!" Someone shouted. I turned to see Clio on a balcony, overlooking our escape.

"What my Queen? Would you like to fight me in front of your kingdom this time?" I taunted and I could see her eyes flicker with guilt and shame.

"Marry me!" She shouted. I looked at her and laughed. Fenris laughed with me, our laughs echoing over the valley.

"See you next time, Clio. The next time we meet it will be your last." And then I turn and ran, laughing at the ridiculousness of her request.

We will show them. Show them all that the Rogue God is not only a wolf but a man. Fenris laughed.


I watched as all the rogues disappeared over the horizon, out of the world's vision taking along my hopes.

Now that you've imprisoned him, your fate is sealed. I cannot help you anymore.

By knocking him unconscious and wounding his pride by claiming victory over him, I had sealed my fate and more importantly made my mate my enemy.

I tried remembering the specifics about him (the color of his eyes, etc) but they had already faded. I tried remembering him as a whole too but that was getting blury as well.

I ordered my warriors to rebuild the parts of the wall that had been destroyed as well as to clear the damage inside the palace. I ordered the doors to be rebuilt, the traitors and my father to be put in the dungeon. I'll have to deal with them sooner or later.

But with nothing on my mind besides my disappearing mate, I braved my facade and headed towards the dungeons.

As I walked, I passed many of my people. People who were visiting milled around helping where they could. Some were worried and needed my reassurance but eventually I made my to the dungeon.

This was one place that I made sure stayed cold. About four stories underground, the dungeon led for a quarter mile in every direction, cells accompanying them. Most cells were normal ones with bars keeping their occupants in but others were completely covered. These were made to hold the more dangerous ones. Besides Linguini and I, some of the strongest werewolves were in this place, carrying wolfsbane weapons.

When I'm done with the prisoners, they are shipped to our prison where they will wait for their trail in front of a bunch of alphas and lunas that were selected by yours truly. Then they are sentenced to life in prison, execution or warrior duty. Warrior duty is basically community service in my army.

In this place, I definitely could not let  my confidence facade fall.

I walked past dozens of guards before arriving at my father's cell. Two words I never thought would meet.

"Father..." My voice rang out in this hell. My father shifted before approaching the bars.

"Daughter..." He said nonchalantly.

I gripped the bars, ignoring the pain from the wolfsbane. "How could you turn against your people? How could you turn against your daughter?"

Joseph ran a hand through his dishriveled salt and pepper hair. "You do not understand. There are things you cannot change. You cannot change the Moon Goddess and you certainly cannot change the Rogue God."

"Yes but you do not join a rogue army when they are facing your daughter!" I shouted back.

"You think I don't know the story about the Rogue God? The greatest werewolf to ever exist, bent on revenge for his beloved. What you should've done was told me your mate was him!" He shouted back.

My body shook. "H-how could you join him?"

He looked me dead in the eye. "Because I knew that you would mess this up. I knew that you were looking for your mate because of the Moon Goddess. Now you've made a enemy, a enemy you cannot defeat."

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