15. Exuded

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The change was happening, happening fast.

Manhattan had taken the passenger side next to the Moon Goddess. She was currently conversing my wolf so much that I couldn't get a word in so I left them to be. They were also conversing in a language that was different than wolf language.

Albeit things were changing within me, they were also changing in the real world.

The palace had been heavily fortified. All the windows and doors had been reinforced so nothing could possibly get through. One of our top scientists came up with a reflective technique that made the palace appear on the ground as well as in the air. As if that was not enough, four walls had been constructed between the palace and the original border wall.

All on my order and I had good reason.

Packs all across the states have reported that the scent of rogues has disappeared. The entire North America seemed void of rogues. I could only assume that they had all rallied at their god's call. Not only that but members of packs had disappeared as well. Omegas searching for power, lower order wolves searching for justice. Entire packs have disappeared as well.

Those who I was aware of were called back to the palace. Almost the entire werewolf existence had abandon their homes to protect mine. No not mine, ours.

This palace was the foundation of the werewolf world. It was perfect representation of the moon goddess itself and we had a duty, a obligation, a debt to pay by defending it.

"Madam," Linguini interrupted my thoughts. ", all your wolves have returned home and are stationed in the palace or in encampments behind the last line of defense."

I nodded. "Other reports?"

"A few alphas have sent their regards in advance but they won't join the fight. They somehow think that the fight between Pures and Rogues must be fought by the gods." He informed. I shook my head but had accounted for cowards. "Then the scent of the rogues have not been picked up, especially your mate."

"Be honest Linguini, is there a way we could find them? A way we could track them?" I asked, still watching the activity below.

"Well, there are two theories of what happened. Perhaps the Rogue God hid them in a sacred place that he controls. Another is that the Rogue God changed the smell of rogues as a whole so they don't have that putrid smell anymore. Perhaps this is his way of claiming all the wolves as his own. I don't know how we'll track them down. "

I sighed and raised my head. "I suppose we'll have to wait until the day he attacks here."

Linguini nodded. "That does seem the best case of action."

One question was left unsaid. We could handle a army. We could fight an army. How will we be able to fight a god?

"Linguini, let's host a banquet." The words slipped out of my mouth. Linguini came to stand beside me, his expression shocked.

"A banquet, milady?" He asked. I nodded.

"Just to relieve the pressure of the impending. The banquet will be held within the first wall on the grounds."

"As you wish, milady. Your banquet shall be ready for..."

"Tonight." I finished. He nodded and walked towards the exit, repeating the word tonight.

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As the night came to a close, I could hear the bustle around the grounds. People were running around, females helping each other with their outfits, males helping each other with motivation. Even I was helping, working with the fleet of cooks. I whipped, stirred, added, tasted and moaned with delight.

All the tension and pressure that had built in the last few weeks was suddenly released and replaced with jitters and excitement. My plan seemed to be working.

The hall was cleared to make space for the dance but even then not everyone could fit. Lights had been set up on the grounds so that they didn't party in the dark. Tables were set up at strategic points so you didn't have to walk far to far to grab something to eat.

It was a ball.

Once I had made sure everything in the kitchen was sorted, I retired to my room to get dressed. I dawned a long sleeveless dress that accentuated my curves. I did my hair and put a light layer of makeup on. Tonight, I was one with my people and I would dine with them.

I made way down. As I entered the hall, a strapping man come to stand in front of me.

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