21. Your Goddess

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The days past fast.

My hatred for the gods seeped into its own cage within me. Instead a new hate began to form, that for the werewolves.

Moon spent her time training Alpha and Luna, teaching them how to fight. I watched as she taught them moves only gods were supposed to know, memorizing it and perfecting it in my own time. I will be ready for when they turn on Moon.

Besides fighting, she taught them how to hunt, shift and live off the land. The gods hadn't sought me out yet which led me to wonder. Are they waiting for something to happen, testing Moon or were they expecting my escape?

Besides my troubling thoughts, the highlights of my days were Luna and Moon.  Alpha seemed to channel the same hatred for me as I him. Only his mate seemed to like me, often coming after hunting to soothe her mind. I obliged.

And once the sun disappeared, Moon retired with me into our abode. She indulged in her wolve form, spending periods of time teaching how to transform. I will not lie, transforming into a wolve was the best I've ever felt topping when I first took a form.

"Moon," I said, slightly distracted by her finger trailing up and down my toned chest. ", what are you to do now?"

Her finger traveled further down this time. "What do you mean, my love?"

"You've created your planet, " This time my hand cupped her and a delighted sound erupted from her. ", created your species and have found a life here. Are you not done?"

She smiled and climbed on top of me. "I want to life here. This is so much better than our previous home. Stay with me, Fenris."

"Absolute-" I still and in a flash, Moon was off me. I reached out with my senses as something in the night shifted.

With godlike speed, my hand reached out and grabbed someone's throat. The familiarity of it shocked me.

"Alpha!" I hissed out. Squeezing even tighter than the day he was born. "You deserve death for what you have done."

"Fenris, no-" Moon jumped up, trying to stop me. I tightened my grip. "He was just curious."

"He has a mate, Moon. He should be with her and his children not spying on us. He should be punished!" I tried but she was not having any of it.

"Leave him now! He is in his rights." She somehow released my grip from his neck.

"Moon, you are a godd-"

"Yes I am. I am their goddess and your goddess. Now leave him, Dark." My eyes widened as she claimed herself over me.

I stared at her and suddenly all that hatred that I had for her creations and the creators came rushing back. This time, however, it was not separate but instead one hatred for all.

I dived between the two and took off into the night, shifting mid-stride. Thoughts flooded through my head about the creators, the other gods and their planets, Moon, Alpha, Luna. Everything collided into one mess as the landscape blurred into one fluid picture.


You're my planet.

I shook my head and slowed, trying to calm my broken heart when my ears picked up on movement for the second time that night.

"Come out, Achelois." I growled in their wolf language. Slowly, a beautiful female wolf stepped out.

"Master Fenris." She bowed and I acknowledged.

"Do not bow for I am no god. What is it that you want?" As far as my hatred goes for werewolves, it did not touch one and that was Achelois, Moon's most prized student. She had a more decent head on her shoulder than the rest.

"I've come to warn Master. My brethren have grown tired of my connection to the goddess and seek to overthrow her." I stalked closer and she lowered in shame. "I tried stopping them but I was cast away."

"Who is to take her life? Tell me now!" I ordered and again she sunk lower.

"My father, Alpha." She lowly answered. My eyes widened and in an instant, I was running back to Moon. As I run the hatred took physical form, making me larger, faster and more agile than before. In time less than before, I made it.

My eyes zeroed in on Alpha who charged at Moon, who sat nonchalantly on a boulder not caring.

The world stopped as I flew, right into the side of Alpha and out once more. His eyes widened as he looked at me, only to see a wolf with his throat in its mouth. Alpha dropped, dead.

Moon screamed and shifted, charging me.

"How could you do that?" She screamed as she tackled me, trying to maim me.

"He was going to kill you, Moon. I was only protecting you!" I shouted back, blocking her attacks.

"Don't you think I know that? He wouldn't have succeeded, you hadn't killed him!" I kicked her off with my hind legs.

"You cannot be serious. I protect you and this is the thanks I get? You are more worried about your precious Alpha!" I shouted.

"I will create more. They will live on this planet. They will learn from their mistakes." She mumbled to herself. I shook my head about to retort when Alpha's two sons charged out of nowhere.

In a instant, one's head was snapped while the other cowardly ran away. I would've gone after him if Moon didn't step in my path.

" You cannot make more of them, Moon. That boy will come back to kill you and if not him, the rest will follow!" I argued, begging her to listen to reason but she wouldn't.

"Then so be it." She said. "You will obey me  Dark. Stand down, do not harm my werewolves."

My wolf form buckled just for a second but then I rose to my full height. I had indeed grown larger as I towered over Moon. Her eyes widened as she realized the same

"I will hunt and kill them, all of those who threaten your life, Moon. Pray to your creators that you never meet me again!" And with that, I gave chase at the boy.

That was the last time I would ever see Moon in a very long time.

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