
109 5 9

351. The sum of all numbers between 0 and 1 is infinitely big whilst their product is infinitely small.

352. The first person to feed chocolate to a dog must have ended up being really depressed

353. Giraffes must take forever to vomit.

354. It's strange that we stereotype cooking with women but master cooking with men.

355. The person that you're going to spend the rest of your life with is out there creating memories that you'll hear about when you eventually meet them.

356. $5 isn't a lot, unless you're spending it buying a mobile game

357. If people in the 1930s saw movies today featuring aliens and spaceships they would likely think we were using real life aliens rather then CGI.

358. Darth Vader is the only villain who can pull off loudly breathing for half a movie and still be taken seriously.

359. On paper, unicorns are more believable than giraffes.

360. Fruity and Cocoa Pebbles have kept the Flintstones relevant longer than they would have been otherwise

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