
165 6 12

296.Everytime you get dressed remember that, if you die, that's your ghost outfit forever.

297. As humans were evolving, the first one to develop a sense of humor must have faced a REALLY tough crowd.

298. Birthdays would be a lot less celebrated if they were counted down instead of up.

299.If you're a mother, there's a high probability a kid you've never met has talked shit about you

300.Paying rent is a monthly subscription to not being homeless.


Hey guys!! I know it's been a while since my last update but I promise I have a solid excuse....okay fine I don't! Stop pressuring me!!!!!

Anyways I'm gonna try to stop being a butt face and update more often. (Key word being try)

I also wanna thank you guys for all the reads and votes I've been getting. And I'm not just saying it for the sake of saying it.

I don't know why I'm bothering with this tho, it's not like anyone reads authors note. I know I don't *sigh*

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