~Chapter 1: Arrival~

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Welcome to the first chapter of Magical Mirai in Kalos! I have nothing much to say since I've written most of it in the summary so... I hope you enjoy what as much as I enjoy writing this story~ ((did that make any sense?))

Miku's POV
Ah, the Kalos region at last! I'm looking forward to having a concert there. I can't wait to meet my fans who live in Kalos and maybe meet those animals they call 'Pokemon'.

Rin's POV
Yass! The Kalos region! This is going to be lots of fun! I'm looking forward to seeing a lot of interesting things about it. Luka told me it's like France with lots of strange, yet interesting creatures, known as 'Pokemon'.

Luka's POV
The Kalos region, eh? I've done lots of research about it. They have gyms but, not the normal ones you know in Fitness Clubs or any gym back in Japan. I also saw that there was a Gym Leader that looks like Len, who goes by the name, Clemont.

Well, I told Len about it but he wasn't impressed about it. He seems annoyed since I first told him about Clemont. He was excited to go there at first, he really was, since I told him about this Clemont guy, I kinda turned him off.

If there's something you don't know about Len, he wears glasses. He played lots of video games especially Danganronpa. We had to get him glasses for because of that. I guess he doesn't want to be mistaken for a gym leader so he only wore contacts instead. This is my fault. Gomenne, Len.

Len's POV
Great, they dragged me into this. After Luka telling me about this guy named Clemont, I plan on sticking to contact lenses. At least I have but they're a little weak. I guess this is what I get for playing too much Danganronpa. Great, I'll have to look like Clemont when I'm roaming around Kalos. Good luck, gamer.

I hope people don't mistaken me for some gym leader. I just don't want them to. I hope that Clemont guy's older than me.

Kaito's POV
Yay, We're going to Kalos! I hope they have high quality Kalosian ice cream there! Man, talking about ice cream makes me hungry. I just can't wait for ice cream!

Meiko's POV
I hope they sell sake in Kalos, 'cuz this woman is nothing without sake. But I'll accept it even if there's none. Maybe it's illegal. I'm still bummed about my sake back in the airport. Sigh, wish I didn't bring it.

3rd/ Author's POV ((I had a hard time explaining this in one of the Cryptonloids' POV...))
As the Cryptonloids have thought bubbles about the Kalos region floating in ttheir heads, an announcement was made that they will be reaching their destination to the Kalos region.

Len's POV
"Yay!" everyone cheered.

"Yay," I groaned. Everyone looks at me as if I have a problem, which is actually true. I do have a problem.

"Len, you were excited to go to Kalos at first. What happened?" my twin sister asked with concern.

"Look, I was excited at first but what made me not excited for this trip is that Clemont guy Luka told me about." I explained in annoyance.

"Len, it's just Clemont. He has nothing against you. He doesn't even know you yet." Miku says.

"First of all, I don't want people to mistaken me for him, that's one thing I want to avoid from happening. I'll just wear my contacts." I suggested.

"But, Len, you need to wear your glasses." Meiko says in a motherly tone. "You might bump into a boulder if there is in Lumiose City. Besides, you play Danganronpa too much."

Well, I can't argue with that. Finally, our airplane reaches the Lumiose airlines. Oh great... Another paparazzi again? Are there really Vocaloid fans in Kalos?

I take a deep breath before getting out of the plane and as I got out, there were lots of "Len Fangirls" cheering for me. Yes, I call them Len Fangirls because I mostly attracted girls. I'm such a chick's magnet, am I? I'm glad I have fangirls but they tend to send me lots of fan mail and it gets annoying.

I usually read lots of 'I love you, Lenny-kun', 'shota boy', 'have some virtual banannas', 'wanna virtual hug?', 'you're mine', and trust me, there's more than just those. I even receive letters involving that thing.

Although, my fangirls tend to increase my popularity but it's not enough to beat Miku's. Miku is always number one. We all wave to our fans and they were happy to see us. I'm starting to have a good feeling about Kalos. Maybe we won't see Clemont

And that is the beginning of the story of Magical Mirai in Kalos. What surprises will lie ahapead of the Cryptonloids? Will they meet the Lumiose siblings? Stay tuned to find out!

Sorry if this is short. I didn't realize it until now. 😅
Author-chan: AAAAH I'm so excited!

Len: Huh?

Author-chan: Anyway, see you in the next chapter~ Feel free to vote, share with friends and feel free to follow~

First Published: 3/28/19
Edited: 5/26/20

(Word Count: 878)

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