Ten: Into the Woods for Lunch

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Here's a little filler chapter. Enjoy!


We left the Elf Realm the way we came in with two additions to the group: The Elf Prince and his owlgriff.

It couldn't have been five minutes before the prince decided to open his mouth. And let me tell you, he isn't a pleasant person to be around. We had exited the warehouse that held the entrance to the Elf Realm, and was met with the dying land from before.

"This is the human realm? It's absolutely repulsive! Why is everything so dead and barren?" Elsie and I both huffed in unison.

"It's not," Elsie started. I could tell she was already annoyed by Zephyr's presence. However, it seemed that he was totally oblivious to the vampire's annoyance. "This is just how it looks here. Most places are green or covered with skyscrapers and concrete."

"What is a sky scraper?"

We made it back to where I had left my bike. Thankfully no one had gotten to it or I'd be truly sad. I loved my bike like it was my own child.

"It's a really tall building," Elsie groaned out. The elf's eyes lit up, and then he said he wanted to see one.

Hopefully there were plenty of skyscrapers in New Westlake. Zephyr surely wouldn't see one on the way there. Everything was just back roads and farmland. Neither one very exciting to see, except for the animals grazing in the fields.

I walked up to the bike and handed Elsie her helmet. Of course my actions didn't go unquestioned by the prince.

"What is this mechanism? Does it run on magic?" I had to hold in my groan. I reminded myself that this was Zephyr's first time in the human realm.

"This is a motorcycle," I said, running my hand over the beauty. "Since not everything here is powered by magic, humans created these for transportation. They also created cars so more people can travel together at once."

"Humans are. . .interesting? When will I meet them?" Zephyr spoke with a hopefully gleam in his blue eyes.

Elsie had the helmet situated on her head with the visor up. "You'll see them when you see them. They're basically everywhere." Then she closed the visor, ending the conversation.

I got into my bike and waited for Elsie to get on to start it. After she was settled, I started to drive out if the dead town. Through the rush of air, I could hear Sonia's large wings flapping behind me.


We rode like that for a few hours until we got hungry and decided to take a lunch break. I drove into some woods near the edge of a town so Sonia wouldn't be seen by humans. I decided that Elsie and I would go to the nearest fast food place while Zephyr watched over Sonia and my bike. However, neither Zephyr nor Elsie liked that idea.

Elsie claimed that we shouldn't the elf around my bike or leave him out in the open by himself. She sure didn't have any faith the elf at all. On the other hand, Zephyr complained that he wanted to see what humans did on a daily basis. As a result I came up with the perfect solution: they go together.

When I gave them the option, the elf gave a very unmanly squeal as the vampire groaned and rolled her eyes. Before walking away Elsie pulled me into her chest, nearly squeezing the life out of me, and said, "Please stay safe."

I assured her that nothing would happen to me . They were only going to be gone for ten minutes or more. I wouldn't get into trouble that quickly. Plus, this would would also give me some one-on-one time with Sonia.

After shooing the pair off I turned towards the feathered beast with a huge smile on my face. The owl griffin laid on the ground looking at me expectedly. She was very beautiful with white feathers and fur covering her feline body. Her large face and wings resembled a barn owl's. Sonia was also about the size of a liger; now those are some big cats.

I slowly walked up to Sonia with my right hand out. This was my first time around anytime of griffin. I heard they were easy to take, but I was still cautious. When I was close enough I felt her warm breath then soft feathers. I praised myself internally for being able to let her as I ran my hand over her large head to her back. In return Sonia did what sounded like a purr, only it was very bird-like.

Then an idea popped into my head.

"How about we make this experience ten times better? You okay with that Sonia?" I asked the beast. The owl griffin then gave a small screech and shifted to get comfortable. There was my answer I guess.

Next I willed my dragon through. Unfortunately, I couldn't just grow out claws and call it a day; it was a full shift.

I settled down next to Sonia and began to pet and scratch her through her thick coat. It was very therapeutic as we waited for Elsie and Zephyr to return. Every now and then, Sonia would turn so I could scratch where she wanted me to. She also purred the whole time.

There we were, a dragon girl and a purring owl griffin. We were both content. The weather, was kind of chilly but not uncomfortable. I was so caught up, petting and cooing at Sonia, that I didn't hear Elsie or Zephyr approach.

"Reese?" I heard. I turned quickly to the voice that startled me. The two stood in their spots with surprise. Elsie held onto two paper bag filled with good while Zephyr carried the drinks.

I smiled as both of them and said, "Hey guy. Took y'all long enough." I got up from my spot next to Sonia and heard a disappointed screech from her. As I walked up to them I willed my scales and claws to disappear. "Geez, I'm hungry. I hope you got something good," I spoke again, ignored their shocked expressions.

"Uh...yeah, we—"

"What was that?! That was amazing! Do it again!" Zephyr exclaimed, interrupting the vampire.

I took both bags from Elsie, dug through them, and pulled out a burger and some fries. "What did you get to drink?" Ignoring the elf's question. Elsie finally pulled herself together and took the drink carrier from Zephyr.

The brunette sat down next to me and handed my a drink. "I got you a Dr. Pepper," she spoke. "That's what you asked for a Magnolia's. I hope that's okay." I nodded my head at her and started to devour my food.

As we ate, Zephyr began to talk about everything he saw. It kind of reminded me of a kid telling it's parents about their day at school. "How do humans have so many varieties of drinks? They are also very  strange on my tongue, why is that? These humans have very interesting jobs and machinery. You are right, Reese, these humans do not know of magic. " He just kept rambling on and on and on.

Elsie huffed everytime he opened his mouth to speak, but didn't tell him to stop. I would occasionally share my fries with Sonia as she laid next to me. I guess I'm her favorite person now. Which also reminds me that I have granola bars in my bag, maybe she'll like one. What do owl griffins actually eat?

After we were all full, Elsie used her vampire speed to dispose of our trash. It's not cool to leave litter around the woods. Then we got back into our arrangement and began to leave our spot.

While driving I though to myself. Only a few days until the Solstice... Hopefully we can save everyone...


Salut! Thank you for being patient and I'm so sorry that this chapter is a little late. I was super busy in April, and I had to get my finals and other school work done in May. So that brings us to June. I also planned for this to be done a little early, but better late than never! Thanks for your patience and understanding 🙏❤️.

Also, The Fire Obsidian is now in the Watty's 2019! I'm so excited for this! Looks like I'll have to put more effort into this now.

Please let me know about any errors! Don't forget to comment and vote if you can!

Bye for now!



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