Nine: On One Condition

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Elsie's POV

The guards led me down to the dungeon. I had one on each arm, one in front of me, and one behind. The queen really wanted to make sure I wouldn't escape.

The dungeon was a giant concrete room filled with several cells. There weren't many people in the dungeon. They were probably just people who couldn't pay their taxes or minor crimes. The queen was very strict with her subjects.

We came to a cell at the end of the room. And surprisingly the cell was clean, matter of fact, the whole dungeon was pretty clean. In stories and movies you'd usually expect dirty, rat infested, health hazardous conditions. I am truly grateful right now.

"Wow, you elves are a bunch of neat freaks," I told the guards.

One of the guards growled out, "Hush your words. The only freak around here is you, vampire." After that I was thrown into the cell, and the iron bars were shut behind me. The guards marched away, and I was left alone. Well not alone-alone, but pretty much alone.

I examined the inside of the concrete cell. It had a decent-looking bed, a functional toilet (?), and a decent sized window with bars. What's wrong with these people? Aren't prisoners supposed to suffer in filth and grime? But hey, I'm not complaining.

I walked over to the bed and laid down on it. I put my arms behind my head and stared up at the ceiling.

I hope Reese is alright. Hopefully we get out of here soon.

I sat in my cell for a few hours until I heard a whistle. . . and approaching footsteps, and that caught my attention. I sat up, and listened closely to whoever was coming. Their steps were light but powerful. Probably just a guard making their rounds of the dungeon.

The footsteps continued until they stopped at my cell. On the other side of the iron bars stood the one person I'd hoped to never see again.

The long platinum hair, the piercing blue eyes, and that disgusting smirk. This person could only be the one and only, Prince Zephyr Hollistine.

I rolled my eyes as he looked down at me. "Well look at what the cat dragged in. Elisaveta, it is truly wonderful to see you again." He spoke with a smirk still on his face.

"Well, I can't say the same for you, Zephyr," I said, as I laid back on the bed. "Go away, and let me rot in my cell in peace." His presence absolutely disturbed me. Yet, Zephyr was always near me. He's been that way since we were younger.

"Oh? Well, I guess I'll just take my business elsewhere. It's not like I didn't come down here, with the keys to the cells, to rescue you or anything. . ."


"Au revoir, Elisaveta," he started to walk away from me. I hopped up from the bed, forced my arm through the bars, and grabbed his shirt. Yeah, this may look desperate as hell, but I surely wasn't going to miss a chance to escape this luxury prison.

"Wait, Zephyr. I'm sorry for being so rude, so um, could you please let me out of here?" I gave a smile, showing my pearly white fangs. I hoped it looked genuine enough.

He slowly turned back towards me, his signature smirk glued to his face. "On one condition." I nodded for him to continue. "If I let you out, then you will have to give me a kiss--"

"Okay! Fine, fine. Let me out!"

"--on the lips."

A shiver on disgust raked through my body. There's no way in hell I'm kissing this guy!

"Ew, no!" I spat.

"Then I guess you are not getting out of here, bye."

I gave an exasperated groan, and hit my head against the cell bars in defeat. "I'll kiss you, Zephyr. But only on the cheek."

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