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"The Fire Obsidian...?" a voice spoke. "What of it?"

"We have discovered the location of the legendary stone, Master," a small voice informed.

The Master let an evil smile appear on their face, "Excellent! Then it shall be mine! Where is it located?!"

The informant cowarded at the Master's outburst. They quickly fixed their composure, "It's hidden in the heart of an Ignis clan, Master."

"Do you know which one?"


I liked sunny days. People are always rushing to do things, making plans to go somewhere, or be social. But why can't they appreciate a cold rainy day like they enjoy a sunny one? Ever heard of 'rainy day activities'?

My family obviously hasn't, but that's what happens when you're born into a clan of warriors. On sunny days my mom takes my three brothers and I into the woods. Every week we would a training session filled with mock-fights and survival skills.

The clans are made up of a dragon race called Ignis. According to ancient text, Ignis people were put on Earth to protect and retrieve sacred artifacts, gems, stones, etc. And no, we do not turn into full on dragons, but we do inherit some characteristics such as eyes, claws, senses, and some scales. Nothing outrageous. Oh, and maybe just a little bit of fire.

Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky. Males don't get the full package like females. There's less than 5% chance of males getting every trait. In my family none of the men were granted those gifts until my younger brother, Dillon, came along. My mom hopes he'll get a high rank within the clan.

We finally reach a clearing in the woods, but as soon as I was able to sit down, Mom announces, "Ok kiddies! Let's get started!" My brothers snickered as I groaned.

"No groaning Reese," my older brother, Karter, teased. "She'll surely make you run laps."

I rolled my eyes and replied bitterly, "And I'll make sure you'll go down with me."

Karter was a tease in general, but he did it with good intentions. He's an eighteen year old who works hard, and above all he's a great big brother. He had the same honey brown skin that almost everyone in our family shared, and was built like the warrior he was meant to be. Very handsome with his chocolate brown dragon eyes, and a fresh haircut to match.

"Yeah, cheer up sis. Hopefully this session is fun," the second oldest, Michael, spoke. "Plus, I plan on hanging out with my friends later, so Mom better not keep us long." I grunted in agreement.

Michael was the laziest person I know. So when he said he was going to "hang out" with his friends, I knew that wasn't what he actually meant. After training he would most likely shut himself in his room and play videogames. Michael was an exact replica of Karter, but just shorter and slimmer. He was also an asshole who didn't listen to anyone. I felt bad for Dillon, who had to share a room with him.

Speaking of Dillon, the thirteen year old just stared off into the distance. I knew he hated training, and all the pressure that was put on him for being gifted.

Dillon's hazel eyes looked dull, and held a stoic look on his face. His skin was a shade lighter than the rest of us. He kept his hair in a cute curly afro.

"Today we will work on tracking and retrieving," our mom exclaimed. A smile found its way into my face. I loved tracking! "Somewhere in this forest there is a fake gem. Use your skills to find it."

Everyone, except Dillon, had a determined look on their face. We we're just waiting for Mom to tell us the one thing that mattered.

"And..." she spoke with a smirk. Everyone tensed with anticipation. "'s everyone for themselves!"

Karter, Michael, and I cheered. Oh this was going to be on hell of a game.

Karter then asked, "What do we get it we win?"

Mom rolled her eyes, "I'll talk Mr. Vaughn about your progress, and I guess bragging rights for the week."

Oh goodie! If I win this maybe Mr. Vaughn will recruit me as tracker. I am the best tracker in the family, and mom has already told the Clan leader of my skills. By next year I'll be able to go against Ivory Clan's best fighter and tracker, Corey Rouse.

"Don't get too cocky now, Reese's Cup," Michael said, interrupting my thought process. "Just because you're the best doesn't mean you're gonna win."

I scoffed, "Whatever Mikey."

His eyes darkened, "Don't. Call. Me. Mikey." For some reason the seventeen year old hated that name.


Mom clapped her hands, "Pay attention! You have an hour to find the gem. And on my mark you'll each go in separate directions.

We all got in our positions. I chose to go west, Karter chose north, Michael chose south, so that left east for Dillon, who looked highly disinterested.

"On your mark!"

I felt the adrenaline pump through my veins.

"Get set!"

I have to win this!


We we're off in a flash. As soon as I left I started to look for mom's footprints. After ten minutes of searching I found some, and started to follow them east.

Twenty minutes into my search the footprints disappeared. I knew mom wasn't going to make this easy, so I checked my surroundings and found some broken and scratched branches. Why do we have to climb?!

Long story short: I found the stupid gem. Wanna know where? A freaking birds nest with live baby birds in it! Who does that?!

I trudged back to the clearing and found Dillon sitting with Mom. I raised my eyebrow at the both of them. "Why would you put the gem in a nest?"

Mom and Dillon giggled to themselves. "Oh baby, that wasn't me; it was Dillon. A clever little boy he is," she said, patting my brother's shoulder.

"Mom wanted to really test your tracking, so she told me to hide the gem somewhere difficult," Dillon explained.

I smiled at that, "Thanks guys. How many minutes left mom?"

She looked at her watch, "A little less than a minute, so they should be coming" Two very dirty boys popped into the clearing.

Michael looked at me hold the gem, "What?! No fair, she always wins!"

"Maybe you should practice on your tracking then, brother of mine."

"Congratulations, sis," said Karter as he gave me a fist bump.

Mom got up from the forest floor, and said, "Okay guys, let's head back. We have some business to take care of."

We all started to head back to our home. We lived in a Victorian styled house that was big enough for the family. Well, I think four bedrooms are enough.

Once we were home, Mom told Karter to prepare dinner, while we went to the Clan leader's house. Michael scurried off to his and Dillon's room, and Dillon sat in the living room with a book.

Before heading to the clan leader's house, Mom allowed me to change out of my sweaty clothes into more comfortable ones. I was super excited for this meeting, so I made sure to look presentable. Who goes to a meeting all sweaty?

"Come on, Reese!" my mom called.

I told her I was coming, and met her by the front door. "You ready for this?"

I nodded, and we were off to see Mr. Vaughn...

This is the story of how my life became a total mess.


The Fire Obsidian Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant