Six: Gas Station Snacks

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Indiana weather is so inconsistent. All week it was cold and snowy. Now it wants to be nice, sunny, and beautiful.

"Reese, can I come with you?"

Can she come with me?

I don't know, I literally met her a few hours ago. I'm pretty sure I'm not entirely ready for such a commitment. On the other hand, Elsie could probably get us to New Westlake before the Winter Solstice.

The vampire was fiddling with invisible dust on her couch and waited patiently as I sorted through my thoughts. There were pros and cons. However the pro outweighed the cons.

"Elsie," I started. "I have gone over your question several times in my head." She lifted her head, her green eyes filled with so much hope.

"You can come with me on my journey."

The vampire gave a huge gasp, and hopped up from her spot. Next thing I know I'm in a bone-crushing hug. That's not the only thing that happened. Since Elsie was taller than me, my face was buried in her chest.

I can't breathe! "Mmfie huffnh mf!" I kept trying to wriggle free from her strong embrace.

Finally she realized what was going on. "Oh, my gosh! I am so sorry Reese!" Elsie tried to bring me back into her arms, but I took a huge step back. Self note: beware of vampire hugs!

I gave her a small smile, "It's fine."

"Well, I guess I'll go pack. Reese, I promise you this will be the best trip ever!" Elsie skipped to her room to pack. I flopped onto the couch, and waited for her to return.

About half a hour later, we were walking out of her apartment. She had everything she needed into a lavender colored backpack. When we got to the parking lot we took a pause. Whose vehicle were we taking? Elsie's car would be more practical for the trip, but I didn't want to leave my bike behind in some random town.

"So. . ." I started to speak.

"Let's take your motorcycle."

I blinked in surprise, "Are you sure? Wouldn't your car be a better choice?"

The vampire ran her pale hands through her short hair. "Yeah, it would. But I know you wouldn't want to leave an expensive bike here in the middle of nowhere. Plus, I've always wanted to ride one."

I nodded my head at her and went to my bike. "Okay, let's do this." Elsie gave a high-pitched squeal that made me wince. . .and a few birds fly away. I handed her my only helmet. "You can have the helmet since this is your first time," I explained to her.

She took the black helmet from my hands, and put it in her head. I got settled in my bike, and instructed her on how to sit. "Get on and wrap your arms around my waist. Make sure your pack is secured." She got on and wrapped her pale arms tightly around me. "Not too tight!" I warned.

"Okay, sorry," Elsie loosened her arms, and I started up my bike. Then we were off.

I had followed Elsie's instructions to get out of Aeroton, and we were riding down the interstate.


We drove for a couple of hours until Elsie announced that she was hungry and had to pee. I wasn't sure about her hunger at first. I knew that she could eat normal foods, but her "hunger" could be something different.

I drove a few miles up the road until we came to a gas station called "Quik-Mart." Elsie got of the bike, threw her helmet at me, and ran inside to the restroom. I laughed at her scurrying figure, and got off the bike as well.

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