Four: The Great Escape, Duh

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This chapter's inspiration were my new mechanical pencils. Those things were really expensive, but they write so nicely.

I meant to get this chapter out before Christmas, but I also had to deal with finals, and a constant stress headache. Sorry for being late.

Enjoy loves!

Dinner included more glaring. Mama Rosa and Mr. Parker tried to make conversation with us, we joined in, but there was no eye contact lost.

"Thank you for the food Mama Rosa," I said, sitting my plate in the sink.

"De nada Reese."

After that, I went back the Darrion's room with him trailing right behind me. I grabbed my jacket and shrugged it on. Darrion was determined to finish this conversation, but I was determined to end it.

I have had my mind set on this mission since last night, and Vaughn nor Darrion is going to stop me from leaving. Yeah, I'll probably get in trouble, or worse I'll have to drop my status as warrior. In the other hand, I'll get the Fire Obsidian and save all of the clans from someone's wrath.

"Drop it Darrion, you aren't going to stop me," I spoke with a bit of edge to my voice. "You can try, but you just aren't going to."

The boy groaned in anger. At the end of all of this, Darrion was most likely going to end up hating me. I hope it won't have to come to that, but my foolish pride will not allow me to back down. "Whatever Ree, I'm done trying. You go after that stone, but don't expect things to be normal when you get back."

Yep. Darrion Parker finally have up on Reese Harrison. For whatever reason, those words hurt more than I had anticipated. Over the years I had done plenty of things that went against his wishes, but I guess this decision finally made him snap.

I turned to make my leave from his room. "Alright, I guess I'll see you around Darry," and with that I left my best friend's room, said goodbye to his parents, and left the property.

When I got home Michael sat on the couch with a bowl of cereal in his hands. He turned to look at me as I walked through the door, "Hey sis, why the long face?" I flipped down on the couch beside him. "You look like you just saw a puppy die." Wow, that made me feel worse than before.

With a huff, I replied, "I just jeopardized my friendship with Darrion."



"Wait. Y'all were just friends?"

"Duh, Michael." Slow much?

My older brother gave a small chuckle, "I thought you two were dating or something."

I gave a long sigh. Why were brothers like this? "We were just friends, idiot," I sighed again. This is why I tried to avoid any coversation with Michael. He literally just goes around assuming shit.

My older bother shoved a spoonful of cereal into his mouth, letting milk drop down his chin. Gosh, he is such a pig. Disgusted, I got off the couch and went to my room. I needed to pack for tomorrow. I have a long journey ahead of me.

I went to my closet, and pulled out my old gym bag. I sat it on my bed and continued to search for everything that I would need. I packed warmly, since it was late October, and I definitely did not feel like shivering my ass off. Plus, with being Ignisian came with being cold-blooded, and that meant becoming sluggish in the cold. And we cannot have that during a battle.

So multiple pairs of thermal leggings went into the bag. Then I threw in some socks and long-sleeved shirts. What? My mother told me that it's always good to be prepared in these kind of situations. I needed to produce enough body heat to keep me going; adrenaline alone wasn't going to cut it.

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