The scream tore through me like a great shard of glass. I felt my eyes widen and pulse quicken, my heart thudding. The female scream came again, desperate, terrified.

The blood drained from my face, before I was even aware of making a conscious decision my legs were pounding furiously up the stairs, my ears straining for more sounds, more clues as to where it had come from. I had no clue as to what I'd do when I got there, just that I had to get there, fast.

I was practically running, dashing between each room as I tried to figure out desperately where it was coming from.

"No, please!"

I almost fell, turning at the shriek coming from a room I had passed, I spun on my heel, bursting the door open to reveal a trashed office.

My lips parted and in the mist of all of the mess, there was one familiar red head sat on top of a passed out body with a smirk on her attractive face.

My eyes widened as I looked down at her bloodied face, panting softly as I gazed at her in shock.

In her hand, there was a old telephone, the wire wrapped around the man's throat. She looked down curiously, an innocent look on her face. "Hmm. . ." She whispered softly, unwrapping the wire delicately, my eyes trailing down her body. She was straddling the man, splats of blood on her body.

Then he started gasping, coughing roughly. She rolled her eyes, before meeting mine once more, a sweet, innocent smile on her face.

"I'm not a damsel in distress."

She waved the document at me before slipping it back in her pocket.

I blinked at her, unfazed that the man underneath her was still alive. She tossed the telephone to the side and looked at him, a hard glare on her perfect face. "That should teach you a lesson, shouldn't it? Don't you ever put your hands on me, or any woman, like that again, you sick bastard."

"Rose," I breathed out, utterly puzzled as I looked at her in disbelief. She licked her plump lips and looked at me, her eyebrow raised. "Hmm? You're kinda interrupting me, Cris."

A small chuckle left my mouth, surprising her a little. I leaned against the doorway, a wave of pride running through me as I looked at her, my eyes running down her sexy body.

"Why do you look so fucking hot even with blood on you?"

She shrugged softly, her beautiful eyes twinkling as she smiled. Rose parted her lips, about to reply until her face fell as her eyes averted behind me.



Oh, no

Oh, no, no, no!

We're screwed!

Oh, great!

We're actually screwed!

Behind Cristiano was a gang of taller, buffer men wearing suits and with intimidating looks on their faces.

I bit the inside of my cheek, my stomach knotting up as my heart thumped against my chest roughly, panicking inside.

Cristiano's back was to me. I had the document and we were caught. What was going to happen to us?

Cristiano's Cravingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن