o24: Melissa Skylar Stephenson

Start from the beginning

“Where’s your mum?” she asked, smiling and nodding at an older woman as she left the store.

“She’s not coming, said you’re in charge,” Melissa said with a shrug as she put a pink apron over her head and tie it around her small waist.

“Bloody hell,” Frankie said and shook her head and started yelling at everyone in the store, telling them exactly what they needed to do and mentioning that the boss wouldn’t be coming in. She told Melissa go get started on the cakes and she did what she was told, rather frightened of Frankie at that moment. After the shop began to die down, Frankie walked over to Melissa, who was covered in colorful frostings.

“Bet your mum is happy you’re home,” said Frankie with a smile.

“Not so much,” Melissa said, shaking her head bitterly.

“Well why not, the woman is a wreck when you’re gone,” said Frankie, sounding rather confused.

“Brayden is a…you know,” said Melissa in a hushed voice, and Frankie’s eyes widened. “Mum was not all too happy. It’s like she blames me for it all.” Melissa spat angrily and the bag of frosting she was holding exploded. Both girls jumped back, large blots of purple frosting covering them. Frankie shook her head and wiped the frosting off her with a towel, while Melissa proceeded to eat the frosting.

“She gets upset when you leave, and Brayden is…”

“Her actually child, so naturally she’d be more upset about him,” hissed Melissa and Frankie glared at her.

“That’s not fair. Andrea has never treated you differently from Brayden. She loves you just as much, Missy.” Frankie snapped, crossing her arms heatedly.

“I know,” Melissa said regrettably. “I just don’t understand what the problem is; her sister was a witch after all.” Melissa said and then licked a group clump of frosting off her arm.

“Talk to her about it,” Frankie said bluntly with a shrug.

“You think it’s that simple?” Melissa asked as though she were insane.

“You over complicate everything.” Frankie said and in frustration shook her head and walked away, mumbling something about how thick her cousin was.

As night fell on Kynance Cove, Frankie began to close down, sending the workers home and shooing the customers out, politely. Melissa finished a couple orders for early the next morning before tossing the pink apron into the bin. She put her coat back on and zipped it up, putting her hood up. The girls walked out together and Frankie locked up the bakery. Melissa stared up at the black starless skies. Snow still fell softly from the sky onto the barren ground. The light hit her necklace and it shone a beautiful red light, though Melissa didn’t notice.

“I’ll see you later, Missy.” Frankie said with a smile and headed off down the street for her house. Melissa let out a slow sigh, her breath steaming the air. The light began to flicker above her. She looked up at it for a moment, before heading back to her house quickly.

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