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Free writing

I have had an extremely lethargic week, filled with sheer unenthusiasm and monotonousism. So thank God I have Creative Writing to break that. The first thing apparent is that we’ve lost Liam and Alex and gained Kt. So presumably less drawfs and more giraffes. And screw you, Microsoft Word, I WILL spell ‘drawfs’ with the Tokein spelling, and YOU can’t stop me. So there. Hah! Beating the system. I am such a rebel. Lol. A grape eating rebel. Oooh, I should use that as the superhero name. 

Summer as a superhero

Well, I have just realised that choosing the ‘Grape Eating Rebel’ as my superhero persona was actually a good one to go with, because I developed an antagonism in the holidays, and rebelling and eating grapes are part of that story. So, one day I went to the dentist. As it was my first dentist appoint since I turned 17, it was also the first time I went ALOOOONE. So that was the first change. After waiting in the waiting room, the dentist’s assistant called my name. I followed her, but instead of showing me to the room I usually have my appointments, I was lead to the rooms upstairs. The second change. However, the third was the most surprising. As I went into the room, ominously covered in ‘WARNING! RADIATION! DEATH MIGHT OCCUR HERE!’, that sort of thing (ok, I made the last bit up, but I was reading between the lines), inside the room was ….  A NEW DENTIST! My mother had apparently neglected to mention me that the dentist who HAD treated me for as long as I remember had quit or something. This is a superhero story, so I’ll just pretend he disappeared under mysterious circumstances. So,  I was face to face with the NEW DENTIST. And to make matters worse, he was POLISH. Now, don’t get me wrong here, I’m not being racist, but the last two times I had a foreign person in the medical profession treat me, they had always diagnosed me wrong. So obviously, I was apprehensive that my new DENTIST was POLISH. And my fears were soon realised when it became apparent that the fact that I tend to speak really fast and the fact that English wasn’t his first language weren’t compatible. But we went along with the appointment as usual … except he checked my teeth in a different order to my old dentist. FOURTH CHANGE. And then … finally … the worse thing possible happened. After expressing severe disappointment in the state of my teeth, he told me that I should not eat grapes henceforth. THE TERROR! THE TRAUMA! GRAPES! MY FAVOURITE FRUIT! NEVER TO ENTER MY DIGESTION SYSTEM AGAIN! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

And so the Grape Eating Rebel was born. Rebelling against the system … eating grapes.

On an extra note, I only just realised this holiday that raisins are dried grapes … OMG MY LIFE IS A LIE.

Creative Writing Anthology 2012-13Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum