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Free writing

So, yeah, a couple of weeks ago, I was in bed. Now, I'm not entirely sure if I was asleep or semi-conscious. Either way, I was aware that I was sort of dreaming. Now, in this dream, I was on YouTube watching this video about a guy who was convinced that a ghost had been captured in a publicity shot for Sherlock. He had posted the video before the episode had broadcast, but I was watching it after it had broadcast, so I knew it wasn't, but was just a guy who happened to get in the shot. However, and this is where it got weird, on the video I was watching in my dream, at the exact moment the guy pointed to what he thought the ghost was, there was this gradual screech, not unlike a slow scare chord you get in thrillers and horror movies, and at the exact point the chord reached its crescendo, I very suddenly became fully awake. I was aware that I was lightly panting and that I was completely and utterly terrified, which was odd, because, even though the dream had a ghost in it, it wasn't a nightmate, but still I was terrified, and really unable to move. I don't know if I was imagining it or not, but I couldn't move without it hurting me.


 We're entering a competition where we have to write a prose/poem/script on 'adventure' (a suckish theme) in 2000. I shall probably post the end result after It's done or after the competition (deadline 28th February 2013).

Creative consequences

By Haaris, Katie, Chris, Chris, Connor and Miss Lancelot

Winter animals chase their silly weather

Polar Bears lurk in bad decisions

We remember when snow likes snowflakes

Until snowmen fight against artic expedition

Bilbo slipped on icy paths skyward

Falling rapidly scurried harshly stand there

Creative Writing Anthology 2012-13Where stories live. Discover now