10/05/13: Farewell: Part III

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  • Dedicated to Creative Writing Society 2011-13

Free writing

First thing first, I have a new mouse, yaaaay! It’s a wireless one too! Which means I can go all the way over here and it’ll still work.

So yeah, after believing that last week was the final Creative Writing, whereupon I wrote about my time here with some sort of circle metaphor, I now have nothing else to free write … erm, type … whatever. I have exhausted this year’s free writing supply, and am now running on air. Or something. I’m trying to make a poetic metaphor, but poeticness isn’t my forte …

So, on that note, so long, and thanks for all the bears.  

Write a letter to your younger self when you joined the school

Dear me,

Run. You have no idea of the things that you are going to go through in your next seven years of your life. You are going to change so much. You’re going to meet people and experience things that completely change your viewpoint on the world. Oh, and your accent’s going to change as well. You’re not going to notice or care for a couple of years, and then you’re going to notice, and then be driven mad by the fact that you’re not entirely sure what accent you’ve picked up.

Some things first, join drama, debating and Junior Journalists sooner. You already knew at this point in your life that you liked drama and public speaking, but you restricted yourself to simply being content at just doing them in English lessons, and not extra-curriculum. You’re going to regret that. And join junior journalists sooner, because it was fun for the most part, until you were put in charge of it, and the third years ran riot. So make sure you have a tight hold on them earlier, and maybe things won’t go to pot. One thing you won’t regret is joining sailing. *Spoilers* but during this year you’re going to develop aquaphobia, and it’ll probably be one of the worst things you experience in your time here. However, you get over it by Third Year, so don’t worry. But you start sailing in Summer of First Year, and even though the first time you went, you were terrified, you start to enjoy it more and fear it less, and it becomes one of your favourite sports.

Other stuff. You know how you promised you’d turn over a new leaf and be less annoying and alienating. You don’t really succeed at that as much, not until it’s too late. So try harder at that. Don’t say everything that comes to your mind and think before you act. Hopefully you’ll be better at keeping friends than I was.

But some good stuff! Despite all the toil, at the end of it, I can safely say that I’m glad I came here. Things could’ve been better, but the good stuff that did happen was worth it all. You join the CCF and that becomes a big and exciting part of your life. You join tech and that’s a world of fun. Most importantly, you’ll meet the people who will define and change more than anything that ever will. Maybe for the better, maybe for the worse, but they will be the most important thing to you, and the people who you will remember and cherish for the rest of your life. You take a while to find those people, but you’ll be glad when you did, and it’ll be fun while it lasts.

Oh, hey, I just accidently ended this letter on a Toy Story quote. Wooo! Go me. Yeah, Toy Story 3 comes out, and you’ll cry so much :’(



Creative consequences

By Haaris, Katie, Chris and Miss Lancelot

·         Never gonna try to end

·         Bears obviously needs more bears

·         Technically we forget and run!

·         Today will tell you closer

Creative Writing Anthology 2012-13Where stories live. Discover now