I Need To Know

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Trigger Warning for abuse, homophobic slurs, inappropriate sexual comments  --- will place a warning again whenit actually comes up in the chapter.

          Gently dabbing Polysporin onto your split lip you sigh as you look into the mirror and notice the bags under your eyes. This is definitely wasn't the idea of a relaxing break Simon had in mind. You stayed away from the house as much as possible, even when Mr. Dellivoire grunted an apology your way the next morning. As if I'm just going to accept that, bastard just wants his payment checks from the state.

           Luckily Tommy, one of the older boys in the house had stepped in before any serious damage could have happened and Jess had been adamant on you staying at her house the rest of the break. You had made shitty excuses to Camila and Lauren on why you were avoiding them and you knew that you were going to hear about it.

---------------Trigger Warning ——————

        You turned slowly on your heels coming face to face with a drunk Mr. Dellivoire, bottle of whiskey hanging loosely by his side.

         "Hello Mr. Dellivoire," you murmured quietly with your head down.

         He grabs your chin roughly, pulling your eyes up to meet his gaze, "its Sir to you or did you forget your manners little star?"

         "No sir, sorry sir."

         "Why don't you invite some of those pretty girls I saw you with on T.V. over," he said with a creepy grin, "I'd love to meet your friends, especially the brown haired one, I saw how you looked at her. Didn't realize I was letting a dyke stay in my house."

         You swallowed nervously, "M'not a dyke Sir," you stuttered.

         "That's what I like to hear, if not we would have an issue," he slowly leaned down to your ear, "but that brunette seems to have a bit of a problem with staring as well, bring over and I can sort her out, I'm sure her parents would thank me."

         You pushed him away by reflex, "don't talk about her like that!"

         A loud smack rang out across the room, "what the fuck did you just say to me little girl," Mr. Dellevoire said as he slowly walked towards you, pinning you back against the door. "Looks like we need to re-instill those manners your shit parents forget to teach."

         All of a sudden he was pulled back, a large blonde boy pulling him away from you as you slowly slid down the door, tears beginning to spill as you brought your hand to your face, attempting to wipe off the blood.

----------------All over!----------------------

Sorry guys, hard to write but important for the plot

          You shudder at the memory, slowly packing your things up you roll your shoulders back, head high kid, keep your head high. Your shoulder slowly roll forward again as you let out another sigh and shake your head. You exit the LAX bathroom, pulling your red sox cap down over your eyes trying to avoid bystanders. You are grateful you were allowed to fly in a few days later than everyone, definitely didn't not want to be cornered by Clara and Mike asking why you didn't come to the barbeque and see Mike 'break in' that new cooker.

         You sling your duffle bag over your shoulder and walk over to the black Escalade where Will your manager was standing. "The fuck happened to you kid, it was supposed to be a break not fucking fight club."

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

"No seriously what happened." Will said, losing his joking tone.

       "Like you said, I got into a fight."

      "No more of that, Simon would be pissed to see your face let alone of the press were to find out one of the girls in Fifth Harmony was in a fight."

       "I know," you mumble ashamed, "it wont happen again, okay? I'm sorry."

        Will sighs and starts the car, "the girls are going to be pissed."

         Pulling up to the house you now were to call home you feel excitement begin to brew, a fresh start away from that shitty house and the thought of beginning to record an album easily lifting your spirit. You pull your bag out and follow Will into the house. You keep your head down hoping to just go to your room and avoid the girls but you hear a yell and footsteps running towards you. Dinah was the first to reach you, pulling you into a tight hug and swinging you around.

      "Dinah!!" You yell between giggles, "put me down!!"

     "I missed you fucker, " she says. "Woah what happened to your face."

       You donn't get the chance to reply as you are pulled into another hug by Ally and Mani.

      "Damn kid who did you pick a fight with," Mani says looking at you slightly stunned by your appearance.

      "No one I was just being stupid," was your feeble excuse as you shrug.

       "Who got into a fight," you tense as you hear Camila coming towards you, looking up you met her eyes, blazing with anger. "So you avoid me all break and come back looking like this? You have some serious explaining to do little one."

        "Yes Cam I'm sorry" you say as you reach to her, silently requesting a hug.

       She sighs as she pulls you into a hug, "you aren't off the hook just yet bug," she whispered into your ear squeezing you tighter. "Alright guys Im going to talk with this little rascal, do you want to order pizza?"

       "Sounds good, we also have to go over your guys schedule and requirements for this upcoming bit." Will said.

       "Pizza would make it less painful to listen to Will for an hour," Dinah said snickering before receiving an elbow and a disapproving look from Ally.

       "Come on D, lets go order," she turns to you and Mila, "we'll call you guys down when its here. Lo will be back soon as well, might want to get that face cleaned up better before she freaks."

       Camila picks you up much to your complaints, "Cam I can walk." She ignores you as you huff and continues carrying you upstairs. She kicks open a bedroom door and walks towards the bed setting you on it. Locking the door she comes back and squats in front of you, pushing your hair back out of your eyes.

       "Come on bug what happened," you glance up to her with watery eyes as your bite your lip. "Enough of that," she gently pulls your lip from your teeth. "I need to know what happened so I can help fix it and make it better yeah?" You nod slowly in agreement. "Alright so what happened?"

Should you tell Camila or are you too scared??

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