Chapter XXXVI

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For All Have Sinned: Secret Agent x BTS AU

Part: 36/?

Pairing: Min Yoongi x reader

Genre: Secret Agent, mystery, murder, high school, Min Yoonji, cross-dressing, romance, comedy, smut

Word count: 1.4

Summary: You're once again assigned and shipped off with your partner to uncover the truth about the death of three high school females at a boarding school. You're determined to stop the serial killer. However, it becomes a bit difficult when you have to prevent your boyfriend from being so damn horny all of the time. Your boyfriend, who is forced to dress like a high school female student at age 24, you must add. It may seem amusing at first, but the case becomes even more difficult as students continue to get killed right beneath your nose.




You lose track of time, you tiredly rubbing your eyes three hours later, finishing the seventh chapter with a tired yawn. You sit up for a moment, dazedly staring at the wall as you tried to process everything you read, the information being fascinating but also leaving you stumped. Why did Jinyoung want you to read this book? Why did he want you to learn about the seven deadly sins and what they represent and how they came to be?

Your eyes flicker to the curtain where you can see a small crack of the morning light. Holding back a shiver as your feet touch the cold wooden floor, you crossed the room silently, entering the bathroom and closing the door behind you. You hum under your breath and twist the knob of the shower to max heat.

The steam fogs up the mirror and your wipe it with your palm after you climb out of the shower, your towel wrapped around your shoulder collecting the droplets of water that dripped down your wet locks.

When you step out, you weren't expecting Yoongi to be fully dressed, looking at himself in the mirror and struggling to curl his eyelashes, much to your amusement. Your partner's shoulder-length wig was already placed on his head, the pink hair roller attaches to his fake bangs.

"Why are you awake?" You questioned, tying your hair into a messy bun on top of your head before squeezing into a baggy turtleneck sweater, it took you a moment to get your head through.

Yoongi pulled the mascara stick away from his lashes, giving you an unimpressed look as he scrunched his nose. "Do you really think I'll just let you go hang out with Bae again by yourself? No way in hell. He may look like weak ass brat, but he's damn suspicious and that makes me concern. Watch him attack you or something when you let your guard down," he scoffs, going back to applying light layers on his lashes.

You're mildly impressed Yoongi even woke up, but you don't comment, quickly applying whatever you can find on your face as you check the time worriedly.

It was almost 6 AM.

In record-breaking time, the two of you are out of the cabin, walking to the church, the sky was still fairly dark, the sun not peaking through the mountains yet.

"So, did you find out anything useful?" Yoongi questioned, his voice high because of the voice changer. You hold back a smile, finding it unusually cute seeing his grumpy pout when he looked so feminine as Min Yoonji.

You hummed in response, your expression lightening up. "Oh, did you know all the sins have an animal representing it? I found that fascinating!" You inform your partner, sharing what you learned happily.

Yoongi pauses, staring at you with a deadpan look. You return it, not thinking you said anything weird because you genuinely had thought it was a piece of fascinating information.

Yoongi released a grunt as he shook his head, a scowl present on his face as he began walking again. "I can't believe you. That's what caught your attention out of the whole book?"

You shrugged your shoulders not bothered by his words, "I haven't finished the whole book," you defend yourself with a smile, "I have one more chapter." You squint as you catch sight of a form that stands outside the church, the silhouette barely visible because of how it blended in with the shadows. Jinyoung lifts his head up as he hears your footsteps, the boy giving you a shy wave. He smiled, however, the expression drops, a look of nervousness spreading across his face as he sees Yoongi beside you.

"Good morning, Jinyoung," you greet with a soft smile, watching as the boy nodded at you, his gaze nervously darting to Yoongi who had his arms crossed over his chest as he scrutinized Jinyoung. "How are you feeling today? Hopefully better than yesterday?" You questioned in concern, your eyebrows furrowing as took in Jinyoung's face.

He does look significantly better, the color returning back to his cheeks. "I-I'm feeling better today. Thank you for your concern, Y/N-Noona."

"Y/N-Noona?" Yoongi questions out loud, one of his eyebrow raised as he looked between you and Jinyoung, his lips almost shaping into a scowl of displeasure.

Jinyoung ducks his head at the sound of Yoongi's voice, his cheeks flushing as he avoided looking at your partner's eyes, probably fearing Yoongi's death glare.

You coughed lightly, saving Jinyoung and bringing Yoongi's attention to yourself. You send the man a warning look, silently scolding him to be nice with just your eyes. Briefly, you and Yoongi share a silent conversation, the two of you exchanging glares before you turn to Jinyoung.

"Is it around time?" You questioned, looking up at the sky, seeing how it was an equal part of light blue and a chorus of gray with streaks of gold and silver of the rays of the sun. Everything was brighter, your surroundings getting more clearer.

Jinyoung nodded, rolling up his sleeve as he checked his wristwatch, holding it up for you to see that it was only a few minutes before six. The boy smiled eagerly, moving to the door, "it should be perfect timing. As soon as we open the door, the sun should be aligned with the stained glass, and the colors should be incredible!"

You nod equally eagerly as you stand beside the boy, watching as he pushed both his palm to the door, slowly opening the wooden doors.

You blink once, your eyes squinting as bright light hit your sensitive eyes, the brilliant colors of red, blue, green and yellow shining on your face. Your mouth part in awe, however, your stomach drops, your eyes widening slowly. You swallow back a lump as your eyes slowly moved lower, your mouth becoming as dry as the Sahara Desert as you began to process what was there. A hand shoots out to grab your wrist, Yoongi who was standing beside you stiffly staring ahead with you, his dark gaze hard, his lips curling into a snarl as he grits his teeth. You don't even flinch as Yoongi's fingers dig into your wrist before he let goes, realizing he was causing damage, your skin red because of how hard he squeezed.

Jinyoung releases a squeak, falling back as he crawls backward, his mouth opening and closing, no sound leaving his lips, as he pointed inside the church in horror.

"M-Mi.... M-Miss.... A-Ah... Ah.... A—"

You quickly use your arms to cover the boy's eyes, your mouth stretching into a straight line at what is laid out in front of you. The podium, which was a place where you daydreamed about a wedding just a few days ago was stained with blood, the once beautiful place looking haunting and horrifying. A body was tied to a wooden cross made out of thick branches, the head lolled forward limp, the thick layer of hair covering their face, hiding the features to your eyes.


You gulp, your eyes meeting Yoongi, your partner's eyes flaring with untamed anger as his fingers curled into a tight fist; his knuckles turning a pale white.

He eventually uncurled his fingers, the indentation of crescent moons left in his palms, his shoulder slumping down as he pulled his phone out. Yoongi released a large exhale from his lips, his face becoming stoic as he nodded at you, motioning his hand to tell you to step outside the church with Jinyoung. "I'll go call the police...." Yoongi coldly muttered, you know he was going to contact Namjoon immediately.

You nod in understanding, pushing Jinyoung who's shaking out the door. But before you step out, you turn your head, your eyes narrowed at the site of the corpse.

The fifth victim..... Right underneath your nose.

For All Have Sinned: Secret Agent AU m.y.g.Where stories live. Discover now