Chapter XXXII

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For All Have Sinned: Secret Agent x BTS AU

Part: 32/?

Pairing: Min Yoongi x reader

Genre: Secret Agent, mystery, murder, high school, Min Yoonji, cross-dressing, romance, comedy, smut

Word count: 1.6

Summary: You're once again assigned and shipped off with your partner to uncover the truth about the death of three high school females at a boarding school. You're determined to stop the serial killer. However, it becomes a bit difficult when you have to prevent your boyfriend from being so damn horny all of the time. Your boyfriend, who is forced to dress like a high school female student at age 24, you must add. It may seem amusing at first, but the case becomes even more difficult as students continue to get killed right beneath your nose.




Yoongi holds back a grunt, his ear ringing loudly as another ear piercing scream echoes right beside him. His eyes dart to the culprit of the sound that was similar to a screech of a pig that was getting butchered, his lips curling in annoyance as he clicked his tongue. You watch the shift of his expression from beside him with amusement. However, your own ringing ears make you wince, a weak smile on your lips as you hold the bug net with your right hand.

"It's so gross! Get it away! Get it away!" Rose shrieked, the girl flinching as she squealed, running away from what the teacher caught, her face scrunching up in horror.

The teacher ignores her, a wide grin spread across the man's face as he stuck his hand in the net, pulling at the organism that was around the size of his fist. "Gather up all of you! I want you all to take a look at this!"

You and Yoongi stand in the back, your arms crossed over your chest as the science teacher, Mr. Lee begins to animatedly speak. He was one of the older teachers the school had, probably in his late fifties. And you've noticed he was one of those teachers who loved colorful, weird ties too much.

"This is all the frog I want each pair of you to capture, it's called a bullfrog! I've gotten a go from the rangers of this lake to capture them because they are one of the invasive species we have on this lake that wreak havoc on the ecosystem. They outcompete and eat everything, and a lot of the fish and animals that originally lived in these waters are declining because of them," you hold back a snicker as a group of girls squeak as the man held the frog up for them to see with his bare hands, his fingers holding the legs of the frog tightly. "It's because of this reason that we have been allowed to collect them for our science experiments and dissection. The park ranger has been taking necessary measures of collecting these pesky critters and exterminate them."

Yoongi bent his neck slightly, his mouth moving to your ears. "An ugly motherfucker. Reminds me of Jin," the man's lips tilted up to a mean smirk, seeming to be amused by his own joke.

You just roll your eyes, knowing it wasn't true. There was no way Jin was ugly in any way, Yoongi and you both knew that. "Jin-oppa would kill if he ever found out you were comparing him to a frog and calling him ugly," you comment with a pointed look, Yoongi shrugging his shoulders at your remark.

Your head snaps back to Mr. Lee when you hear another wave of shrieks, this time some winces of the boys joining in on the high pitched sounds. You barely blink as you see that the teacher had stabbed the frog in the head with a pin that was the length of his hand, a scene you've seen a handful of time when you still went to school.

"Can anyone tell me what I did?" The teacher questioned, holding up the now limp frog that was no longer struggling in his hand. The class is silent, none of them being able to speak at the brutal scene they witnessed, you almost scoffing at how babied their generation has been.

The teacher looks around expectedly, waiting for a response with a frown, seeming to ignore the wide-eyed look most of your classmates were giving him. Just as he seemed like he was going to give up receiving an answer, Yoongi opened his mouth from beside you.

"You pithed the frog, paralyzed it's lower body."

The man now looked at you and Yoongi hopefully, seemed to be pleased that at least someone was participating in his lesson. "And why would I do that?"

"It's ethically immoral to not put the animal out of its misery when you're about to dissect it. It's cruel to pin them down when they are alive and just cut them open. Also, it would be much harder if they were still moving," you speak up, ignoring how some of the students were watching both you and Yoongi, low whispers leaving their mouths.

"Correct," Mr. Lee nodded at the two of you in approval before facing the other students who silently watched, "do you all think I am being cruel?" He questioned, placing the frog on a tray as he begins to pin legs down with its stomach facing up.

Sungwoon slowly raises his hand, a look of unease on his face as he warily looked at the scalpel Mr. Lee took out from his box, "um, wouldn't it be better if the students didn't witness something like this...? Many animal activist groups would immediately be appalled by the idea of killing an animal in class...."

Mr. Lee seemed amused by the answer he received, his eyes moving to the other students, waiting for different opinions. When he receives none, his eyes drifted to the back where you and Yoongi stood. "Miss Min, Miss Kim, I would like to know your opinions."

Yoongi lazily lifts his head, brushing his hair over his shoulder, his lips that were painted a light pink pursed. "I don't see a problem with it. They're being exterminated already by the rangers, I don't see much of a difference if we do it ourselves. And while those activist groups say it's cruel, I find it humane. We capture the frogs right now before they overpopulate the lake to the point where there's no more food left for them. I say it's better to regulate their population now instead of letting it grow and later let them die through starvation."

When you feel Mr. Lee's as well as all of your classmate's gaze on you, you nod. "I agree a bit with Yoonji. It's sad to think that it is very likely that these bullfrogs were introduced into this lake by humans themselves, probably for the purpose of food or someone releasing the pet they had because they no longer wanted it. These frogs had no fault, they just live, and breed like their instinct tells them to and in the end because of humans carelessness and selfishness, when they become too much to handle, they have to get exterminated by humans again. But like Yoonji said, since they are getting exterminated already, I don't see why it is bad if we do it as well. Especially because their life wouldn't get wasted because their bodies will be used for educational purpose," you explain, noticing some of the student's look at you in awe, some seeming like they weren't able to keep up with what you were saying. "It makes me wonder how the Rangers are taking care of this issue because, in some countries, the bullfrog is considered a delicacy and perhaps they can use this incident as a chance to process these frogs to be placed on the tables for those who struggle to feed themselves. And if that's not possible, maybe use the bodies as fertilizers to create gardens for vegetables. And about those humanitarian group that protects animal right, I understand their point. But I think if we are humanly able to end their life, it can be acceptable, especially since it's for the purpose of learning."

You don't look away from Mr. Lee although you hear Yoongi's exasperated sigh, probably rolling his eyes as your overly worded answer.

Mr. Lee himself seemed delighted by your answer, grinning widely. "What an excellent response, Miss Kim! I had the same exact question about what the Rangers have been doing. It seemed like they have been sending the frogs for research facilities where they embalm the frogs and prepare them for dissection for other schools. Which is something we are going to do today! I want you all catching at least one bullfrog so I can embalm them and bring them back to campus for the next year students!"

One student raised her hand, looking slightly green to the face, "w-when you say embalm, what do you exactly mean? What kind of chemical do you use?"

"Another excellent question. By embalming, we are preserving the organism by using chemicals. I'm going to go use formalin solution to embalm the frogs we captured so we can have them for a long time. I'm sure you've seen embalmed organs and animals before, we have an embalmed piglet in the science lab on campus," Mr. Lee comments, the man wiping his hand on his shorts, much to many people's dismay, yours included. The said man claps his hand, "alright, back to work, again, I want at least one bullfrog captured by each pair. If you are not successful, you fail the class for the day. Make sure you bring it to me so I can mark you and your partner down."

For All Have Sinned: Secret Agent AU m.y.g.Where stories live. Discover now