Chapter XXI

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For All Have Sinned: Secret Agent x BTS AU

Part: 21/?

Pairing: Min Yoongi x reader

Genre: Secret Agent, mystery, murder, high school, Min Yoonji, cross-dressing, romance, comedy, smut

Word count: 1.8 k

Summary: You're once again assigned and shipped off with your partner to uncover the truth about the death of three high school females at a boarding school. You're determined to stop the serial killer. However, it becomes a bit difficult when you have to prevent your boyfriend from being so damn horny all of the time. Your boyfriend, who is forced to dress like a high school female student at age 24, you must add. It may seem amusing at first, but the case becomes even more difficult as students continue to get killed right beneath your nose.




"Drinking warm milk may help you sleep," you comment as Jihoon, and you step out of the clubroom. "Adding a spoonful of honey and a drop of vanilla essence is nice too," you add, smiling at the boy.

Jihoon nodded, his eyes a slight bit red and puffy. Although he had cried, he too seemed like he was feeling a bit better, flashing you a smile.

"Thank you, Y/N Noona," Jihoon thanked, the corner of his eyes wrinkling as he grinned. However, he paused, his smile melting away as he scrutinized your face in curiosity he didn't bother to hide.

"You know a lot of things about trauma and how to heal after you experienced death... You gave me so many pieces of advice that really made me feel better."

You stiffened, the smile on your face dropping as you realized what Jihoon had noticed about you because of the interaction you've had with him in the past hour. Perhaps it was a mistake on your hand. You've probably revealed your real self a little bit more than necessary as you talked to him. It was subconscious, no doubt but still, a mistake that may jeopardize both Yoongi and your mission.

"Have you lost someone before, Noona?"

Your eyes closed as a sigh left your lips. You should have expected the question, but hearing it directly coming from the younger boy's mouth did make you think you've fucked up as an undercover agent.

You had different options that you've immediately begun to weigh.

You can lie, which wouldn't be too hard because this whole assignment with Yoongi was a lie you've created with your team. It's what you did for a living as you're an undercover secret agent. It's easy to say that you haven't lost anyone and you've just seen a lot of Kdrama's as a reference.

At the same time, you can tell Jihoon about your brother's death, of course not mentioning the absolute truth though. It'll allow you to have a deeper connection with the boy, which may help you gain more information in the future if you need.

"I've had a younger brother," you start, opening your eyes as you gave Jihoon a fond smile. "He'll be about your age if he was still alive," you share, watching as Jihoon's eyes widened with understanding.

He looked a bit shameful as he bowed his head, looking down at his head. "I-Um I'm sorry for asking... That was really insensitive of me and I-"

You let a small laugh escape your lips as you ruffle the boy's hair, stopping him from rambling. "It's okay, it's been a while since he passed on. I've recovered since then, and I've accepted it. So I know what you're going through, kid. Stay strong. Although it may not feel like it right now, eventually your heart will heal as well and then you'll be wiser as well as stronger than more than one way."

For All Have Sinned: Secret Agent AU m.y.g.Where stories live. Discover now