Chapter XXVIII

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For All Have Sinned: Secret Agent x BTS AU

Part: 28/?

Pairing: Min Yoongi x reader

Genre: Secret Agent, mystery, murder, high school, Min Yoonji, cross-dressing, romance, comedy, smut

Word count: 1.4 k

Summary: You're once again assigned and shipped off with your partner to uncover the truth about the death of three high school females at a boarding school. You're determined to stop the serial killer. However, it becomes a bit difficult when you have to prevent your boyfriend from being so damn horny all of the time. Your boyfriend, who is forced to dress like a high school female student at age 24, you must add. It may seem amusing at first, but the case becomes even more difficult as students continue to get killed right beneath your nose.




"That was fucking pointless," Yoongi grumbled in a complaint as he moodily stomped out the church, walking ahead of you, the two of you being the first ones out of the small church.

You roll your eyes, your hands in your sweater as you followed after your partner. "Oh please, you only thought it was pointless because I already told you our schedule for today. If I hadn't, you would have been listening carefully," you tease, lightly bumping your hip against Yoongi when he stopped walking to send you a glare.

You weren't fazed by his look, carelessly shrugging as you hummed, your foot crunching the pebbles under your feet. You admit, while you were not listening to the schedule you were being given, you were looking around in awe as you sat in the small church you were all stuffed into. It was small but beautiful, the stained glass in front of the church magnificent and detailed. You were confident it would have been even more beautiful if the light beamed in. A romantic side of you imagined standing at the podium in a wedding dress for a split second before you shook your head at the idea. Haha, no. At least not for a while.

You look over your shoulder, cheekily grinning at Yoongi, who's expression softened as he saw your smile. "It's this way, right? Let's go pick the better kayaks before they're all taken," you suggest, a light skips in your steps as you tread down the shore of the lake.

You couldn't deny you were feeling slightly giddy. It's been forever since you've kayaked and it almost felt like you were on vacation, away from all these mysterious deaths. A part of you wanted to forget everything about the mission, just pretending like there were no issues in your life. But of course, you couldn't do that.

It doesn't take long for the both of you to be floating in the water, sitting comfortably on your colorful kayaks, already paddling away to the middle of the lake, your classmates barely even getting their kayak and getting instruction by one of the workers.

"The scenery is stunning and it's really peaceful, isn't it?" You questioned Yoongi as you dipped your hand into the water in awe. After a moment you tilt your head up, your eyes squinting at the bright sun that had climbed over your head, your hand subconsciously covered your eyes so you can look at the blue, cloudless sky.

"I would agree if we weren't trying to solve multiple mysterious murders of high school girls and capture a serial killer," Yoongi cooly responds, his eyes showing a hint of boredom as he paddled up next to you.

You send him an accusing look, your lips stretching into a scowl, annoyed that Yoongi ruined the tranquility and the peace you were feeling just a moment ago. Although you're tempted to push him out of the kayak with your paddle, just imaging your painful death caused by Yoongi afterward stops you. Although a wet looking Yoongi is really tempting.

Instead, you decide to retort with something cheeky. But before you can open your mouth and say something, you hear a loud scream, your heart accelerating as your eyes snap to where  the sound had come from. However, you calm down, a sigh of relief leaving your lips as you see that it was only Rose and Seulgi who were about to fall out of their respective kayaks.

From what you can see, it seems like Rose had lost balance, not being able to help it as she clutched onto Seulgi who was paddling next to her. And seconds later, you don't even blink as Rose takes down the other girl with her overboard.

Yoongi, who watches beside you snorts, his dark eyes dancing with sick amusement as the two girls screamed and flailed, curses leaving their lips as they bobbed up and down in the water.

With a wry smile, you approached the two screaming girls, Yoongi following behind you begrudgingly, muttering something under his breath. You hold back a laugh when you hear him mumble, "they look like sea cows now with their makeup running..." While you approached Seulgi, Yoongi went to Rose, offering her help by holding out his paddle for her to grasp without a word.

"Fuck you! I don't want your help," Rose shrieked, her hair dripping into her face, the makeup she probably spent hours putting on dripping down her skin, streaks of black running down from her eye.

Yoongi snorted as he rolled his eyes, giving an icy look at the younger girl, annoyance evident in his dark orbs. "Hurry up and hold on before something takes a bite out of you and you lose a toe or something," the way Yoongi says it is nonchalant, but it seems like it gets a reaction out of Rose, the female paling considerably. When Yoongi pushes his paddle to her the second time, she doesn't hesitate to take it this time.

You're almost amused by the whole scene, the corner of your mouth twitching as you hold back a laugh. You're only able to as you reach Seulgi, the poor girl looking miserable as she trod water.

"Here, grab on," you offer her a hand, the girl silently nodding as she takes it, you helping her into your kayak. Seulgi releases a gasp of surprise, not expecting you to be able to support her weight with one arm, lifting her up behind you.

From the corner of your eye, you see Rose and Yoongi arguing, the female still in the water, pointing in your direction. And you swear you heard something like, "get me on your kayak like she is with Seulgi!"

"Fuck off, or I'm going to leave you to drown."

And of course, you're sure that came from Yoongi.

You shake your head at how ridiculous their argument sounds before looking over your shoulder. You almost feel pity for Seulgi who's soaked to her bones, shivering so much that she looks like a combination of a drowned rat and a chihuahua. "Alright, I'll take you back to shore. You should probably take a shower and warm up," you comment as you begin to paddle. The female behind you doesn't speak, which you don't mind, only shrugging your shoulders at her silence.

At least she wasn't running your ear off like Rose was with Yoongi with her complaints.

You feel the bottom of the kayak scratch against the shore of pebbles, coming to a stop, you using your paddle to steady yourself so you wouldn't topple over.

With eyebrows furrowed in concentration, you keep the kayak upright as you feel Seulgi stand up, jumping onto land, her shoes making a squelch. You don't pay much attention, already pushing yourself back into the water, not bothering to look up to see the girl walk off.

However, your head snapped up when you hear a soft voice, your eyes widening in surprise, the corner of your lip twitching into a smile.

Your eyes moved to the side when you hear an angry huff, Rose climbing out of the water and stomping off to the cabins, Yoongi nonchalantly pointing his middle finger up at her retreating figure. However, he looks at you in confusion as he feels your gaze, his bottom lips pulled out almost in a pout.

"What the hell is wrong with your face? You're grinning like a fool," he points out making you laugh and shake your head.

"Oh shut up, she said thank you," you roll your eyes. But you're not able to help the grin from spreading across your lips.

Yoongi's face scrunches up even more, seeming to be lost at what you said. "Huh? What are you talking about?" He questions as he pushes his kayak deeper into the water, paddling up to you.

"Seulgi said thank you," you hummed thoughtfully, a small smile present on your face. Maybe she wasn't that bad...

For All Have Sinned: Secret Agent AU m.y.g.Where stories live. Discover now