Chapter Four

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╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗politics

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"You're actually fighting for your enemy?" Alexander asked. All eyes turned to him. He hadn't spoken a word up until now, and his baritone seemed all the more stunning as it broke the momentary silence.

Khana's eyes fell slightly. "I believe all of those drafted into the Queen's service have some kind of agenda against her. Maybe some are less prone to take action, but we all see her terrible deeds." He said. "As hard as it may be for you to believe, stranger, I'm fighting for a greater good."

Alexander nodded thoughtfully, his brows drawn together. Grian could tell that he was still confused, just like she was.

"Republicans have got a different mindset then Monarchists." The younger man said. "Think of it; if Shard were only a Republic, this whole war might never have started."

"And who are you then?" Ronin asked, cocking his chin on the younger man's direction.

"Euwan Rocca. I'm a semi-trained Navy sailor. I got drafted during my last course."

"You worked overseas?" Grian asked. She'd always wished she could see other lands beyond the forests.

"No, since I never finished my training, I didn't have a chance to get stationed," Euwan answered. "I sure would've loved that chance though,"

"Perhaps when you've completed the three missions you'll have it again," Khana told him.

"Three missions?" Alexander repeated.

"See this?" Khana turned his head upward slightly and pointed to his neck, directly below his ear. A small tattoo in the form of a "V" shape was etched into his skin. "That's the mark they give you when you complete a mission. You get three of those, you're free to go home." He explained.

"Only three?" Alexander asked.

"Khana's the only draftee in this entire camp with one of those marks; it's a lot more difficult than you think," Euwan replied. "You either win, get killed in combat, or hanged for failing your mission."

Grian was sure she noticed Alexander shiver. At that moment, his physical strength seemed to mask fear and uncertainty hidden beneath. He seemed to lack the vigor and stoic that a soldier would need to overcome foes.

"This bloody war will be the death of Shard," Ronin muttered.

A short time later, the evening meal was concluded and everyone was told to return to their boarding tents. The entrances were closed and officers stood guard. Ronin didn't sleep at all, he simply lay on his cot, trying to keep his emotions from tearing him apart from the inside out. His heart burned and his mind raced at all the events of the day. He could hear Alexander on his nearby cot, struggling to silence his own cries. Ronin knew pain, but the pain he heard in that man as he cried was nothing comparing to anything he'd ever felt.

The next morning came earlier than expected, a low bell tolling to awaken everyone before the sun had even risen entirely over the horizon

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The next morning came earlier than expected, a low bell tolling to awaken everyone before the sun had even risen entirely over the horizon. All draftees were directed to the largest tent in the center of the fort, labeled "The Gathering Tent". Ronin found Grian in the crowd, standing near the front.

"Attention." An officer commanded, taking position before all the draftees. Grian's face went pale when she saw the officer's face. It was narrow and cunning, with thin brows shadowing expressive grey-green eyes. Ronin heart all but stopped for a second.

"Heirsa." Grian breathed through choked tears.

The officer they'd known as their brother proceeded to quiet the crowd, taking no notice of the familiar faces near the front.

"I am Heirsa Ruse. However, I am known only to you as First General." Heirsa's voice was thick with authority, but not pride. Simply a commanding force that chilled Ronin to the bone. And why would he go by Ruse? More importantly, how had he ended up here in Shard with a prestigious Army title, allowing all those he'd loved to assume him dead?
"The Queen placed you beneath my authority and you will obey it. War is no place for the unconditioned or weak, and you will be expected to perform your training to the best of your abilities." Heirsa's eyes finally feel on Grian and Ronin. They went dark but he remained unfazed.
"Those of you who were drafted yesterday will have your processing completed today, and your training will begin. But understand this; your cooperation is what will keep you alive here. Refuse to comply with the Queen's orders and you will be prosecuted beyond what you can imagine. Not only you will suffer, but your families as well. That being said, some of you appear quite battle-ready." Heirsa's eyes rested on Grian and Ronin for a moment as he said these words. "But weakness will not be tolerated." He said, addressing the rest of the crowd once again.

Alexander stood near Ronin and Grian, his face stone serious. "This is living hell isn't it?" He said gravely. Grian hardly heard him. The brother she'd been mourning for the past year was standing before her, embellished with war medals and a lavish red cloak. Her thoughts were in a blur and the ground seemed to sway beneath her. Ronin stood beside her with a combination of numb disbelief, hurt and anger growing inside of him.

"Javal is my second in command," Heirsa motioned to a narrow-built officer with a pale beard. "He will be overseeing much of your training and reporting back to me. I suggest you give him something positive to report."

"Thank you, First General," Javal said with a nod of respect towards his superior. "Let's get started, no more standing about." He called out before all his fellow officers began to usher the draftees out of the meeting tent.

"What happens now?" Grian asked as she fell into line behind Glas.

"I'm guessing we're about to get processed into the system," Glas responded. "I noticed all the other soldiers have their numbers printed on their arm, I guess that's what they're about to do to us."

Grian shivered internally. She wasn't ready for a tattoo, or whatever else was about to happen.

Author's Note

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Author's Note .

Thank you all for taking the time to read chapter four! Who was all surprised at Heirsa's return? Did you see it coming? What did you feel when you saw his name pop up? Let me know in the comments.

All my love,
Kori Kalon .

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