"And I'll take out Toneri." Naruto stated as he flashed away, appearing in front of Toneri as he punched him in the face, causing Toneri to fly back. Toneri was taken back by his speed, especially for a human.

Naruto grinned. "I've been waiting to do that for awhile now."

Sonata couldn't believe it. Why wasn't she angry? Why couldn't she get upset? If she could switch into her celestial being form, she could help Naruto and Kurama in this fight.

She started squirming to get out of the wood, but it seemed like the wood was becoming even tighter.

"Moving won't help. It'll only get tighter." Shikamaru called out to her.

"You're right Shikamaru!" Moving definitely wouldn't help. As she became still, she watched Naruto and Toneri fight at close combat. She had to admit Toneri was impressive. He didn't leave any openings, but Naruto was more impressive, he wasn't giving up.

She felt the sage power surging through her body, she gathered chakra in her arm, and bust through the wood. In a blink of an eye, she had punched threw everyone's wood, freeing them.

"I didn't know you could use sage mode." Sakura said, impressed.

"I forgot too. I only mastered it when I was with Jiraiya but I never used it outside of where I was trained at." Sonata sheepishly scratched the side of her head.

Sonata eyed Kurama's fight with the golem. Naruto was keeping Toneri on his toes, so she had to make sure Kurama stayed safe. It was her job.

"You guys I have a plan to give Kurama the upper hand." Shikamaru said. He was thinking the same thing Sonata was thinking.

Sai drew up a bird, Sonata and Sakura hopped on it. Sonata's job was to keep an eye on Toneri, just in case he tried to throw them off.

Toneri had seen the humans in his vision, he created two truth seeking balls and had them flying in their direction.

Sonata took a deep breath as she angled herself in the front of the truth seeking balls. Sakura had already jumped off the bird and was completing her part of the plan.

Toneri's eyes widened as fear flashed through his eyes, knowing if he was the one to hurt someone from the main family, it'll be over for him. He flashed away from Naruto, appearing directly in front of Sonata, as the truth seeking balls hit him instead. 

She watched as he fell to the ground, instantly clasping her hands together, summoning up chakra chains to bide around him.

Sonata couldn't believe it. Actually she could. Shikamaru's plans were always good.

"Sonata, what the heck?!" Naruto said as she made it to the ground. He walked up to her, shaking her shoulders. "Are you trying to kill me at an early age?"

"It was Shikamaru's plan." Sonata said, but her voice was muffled because he had pulled her into a tight hug. She patted his back, trying to get his attention. "Can't breathe Naruto."

"yeah well you deserve this." Naruto replied, not letting her go.

"I'll be taking these back." Hinata squatted down, "Well actually Sakura will be. She knows medical ninjutsu."

Sakura laughed as she squatted down next to Hinata. "Lets get back Hanabi's eyes."

"Kurama who taught you how to write." Sonata asked. She stood next to the nine tailed fox with her arms folded, as she watch him concentrate on each letter.

"I did." Naruto boasted. "He's great at it, am I right?"

Sonata shook her head. "Uhh, something like that."

"It's not a skill worth knowing." Kurama replied.


"I'm sorry about everything." Toneri apologized. They were now standing in the cave  with the fake water, that separated them from earth. "I will stay on the moon to continue to watch the earth."

"I have a question. Where's the rest of the Ōtsutsuki clan?" Sonata asked. She was curious. There was no sign of anyone else in that castle.

"The moon is bigger than what've you seen. You see I am one of the last branch member. The main family is on the other side of the moon. If you're asking about your father, he will appear to you soon. I'm sure of it." Toneri replied.

Sonata took a deep breath, she didn't look in Naruto's direction as she said, "I know I've been told he will. But that's only if I stay here to be trained."

Naruto blinked. He rubbed his ears, thinking that he heard wrong but with how Sonata wasn't making eye contact with him, he knew he didn't. "What do you mean? What are you talking about Sonata?" He asked, grabbing her hand. He was getting upset. "Why didn't you let me know this beforehand?"

"Because I haven't decided yet if I'm going to or not." She said. "I have a month to think about it."

Naruto didn't say anything. He didn't want her to leave, she didn't need a month to think about it. She should tell them no right now. But he knew he was being selfish, if it was him, he would've jumped on board quickly to train.

"I understand." He lied, dropping her hand, and looking away.

"I'll let you know my decision really soon." She said, waving goodbye at Toneri.

"Be safe, Princess." Toneri waved back.


They made it back to the village, safe and sound. Sonata and the others agreed to celebrate the next day for a successful mission.

"Naruto, do you want me to make you ramen?" She asked, when they made it to her place.

Naruto shook his head, as he stood by the door. Sonata frowned. He never said no to ramen, no matter how bad it turned out. "Are you feeling okay?" Was he worried about her leaving the village to train?

He gave her a tired smile. "I'm fine, just tired. That mission was draining. I'm going to head to my place and sleep."

Her frown deepened. "Oh.. uh. Okay. You don't want to sleep over like we usually do?"

"If you leave the village to train, I'll have to get use to sleeping in a bed alone again. Might as well start now." Naruto said, his voice sounded faraway to Sonata. He turned around, saying goodbye, and leaving before she could say anything to his words.

Sonata didn't like this one bit. She didn't like Naruto acting like this. Because she was going to leave, there's no doubt about it. She wanted to train to be able to stand by Naruto's side. She wanted to meet her father. She needed to do this. Naruto would have to learn to understand this.

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