
Beginne am Anfang

"you got this, ten."

and they drove quickly to the same outside wedding chapel he had his wedding in.

they both got there, and the sun was starting to set beautifully, shading everything to a dark pink-ish and red hazy glow.

"you look perfect." minnie whispered, kissing ten's forehead and bringing him into a tight hug. the chapel was rented out until midnight, and there was just going to be a recreation of the after party ten had with johnny after they both got married.

everyone was already there. all of ten's family, all of johnny's family, all ten's friends and all of johnny's friends.

johnny's own best friend, jaehyun, walked over to ten with a slender, black portrait of johnny. he was showing off his bright smile in the filtered black
and white photograph.

ten smiled, and took it in his arms.

"thank you." ten quietly told jaehyun, who began tearing up already. the taller smiled, and hugged ten, now returning to his seat and attempting to blink back his tears.

the large dance floor by ten was open, and the deejay in front of it started to play 'untitled, 2014' by g-dragon. he turned down all the lights on his equipment, and let the natural red-ish glow of the sunset take over. everyone near the dance floor stepped out of it, leaving just ten and the portrait of johnny.

holding his picture close to his chest, ten started swaying side to side, tears slipping out of his eyes despite him trying his best to hold them back.

he looked up at the hued sky as he slow danced with the portrait, whispering the three words he reserved on for johnny and johnny only.

"i love you."

right after, ten tucked his head back into johnny's portrait and hugged it entirely until the song was over. flashlights and some candlelight were also moving side to side, as a memory of johnny.

he never made it to their second year anniversary.

because he died on their first wedding anniversary.

he died in a car accident on the way to see ten, the love of his life, exactly one year ago today.

his love had caused his untimely death.

off in the slight distance as ten moved around the dance floor slowly, he could hear quiet sobs coming from johnny's mother and father. ten's tears dropped down onto johnny's portrait, perfectly falling on his cheek through the thin glass.

ten's wedding ring was sparkling wildly as he held his picture, and the melancholic song ended.

ten slowly lifted his head back up and walked off the dance floor crying, still holding johnny tightly.

his parents along with johnny's family and friends all brought him into a big embrace. minnie wiped his tears and pecked the top of his head, being careful not to mess up his wavy hair. the hug lasted a few, comforting minutes, and everyone pulled away, sniffling and heart broken.

"come on, you need to change into your other outfit." minnie told ten as she took the hand with his wedding ring on and smiled slightly. the male nodded, and quickly headed into the restrooms in the chapel to dress into the same outfit he met his soulmate in for the first time.

they did this exact same thing when they actually got married, too.

by the time he was done, his tears had quickly dried, and he felt a sort of peace within himself as he started into his reflection in the fancy white marbled bathroom mirror. he stood there for another few minutes, the heaviness in his heart starting to lighten and fade, almost as if johnny was taking it away for him.

"you look amazing." minnie told once ten was out of the bathroom, all dressed up again. the male smiled slightly at her, and she took his shoulders and hugged him once more.

minnie's hugs were the best.

when the two were able to hear energetic music beat sound near the bathroom, minnie pulled away.

"hey... johnny's here. remember that. he's here right now, watching over you. so have fun tonight." the girl said. with that, she gave ten a moment alone and walked back to the main area.

ten took in a deep breath and closed his eyes, knowing his best friend was right. johnny was there with him; he could feel him.

ten smiled at himself, and blew a kiss up at the ceiling.

he felt calm.

he felt safe.

he walked out of the restroom hallway he had been standing in with his memorable outfit, and everyone clapped and cheered for him. ten brightly smiled and the deejay turned the upbeat songs up.

everyone crowded into the dance floor and ten ended up dancing the night away, feeling and knowing johnny was right there with him the entire time.


i suck at angst i know

i suck at everything in general, really

i mean, at least i tried, right?

anyways, thank u for sticking with me these fifty chapters

i hope to publish another fifty soon.

love u guys xoxo

you're appreciated. you're loved. and remember, you're never alone.

— áltura

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