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Requested by CrystalClearStar

Genre: Fluff, AU

Word Count: 4,148

Beep beep beep beep-

Dan groans and rolls over, covering his head with his pillow to block out the annoying ringing of his alarm clock.

Beep beep beep beep-

He rolls over again and slams his hand down on the off button, hoping he also broke the clock in the process. He then grabs his blanket and with an almighty flop, snuggles back into bed.

He didn't have to get up, right? It's not like he had to go to work. Surely they could find someone to fill in for him. And he didn't exactly need the money right this second, he wasn't broke or anything.

With a sigh, he rolls out of bed and onto the ground, still in his cocoon of warm blanket. It was just one of those mornings where he did not want to leave his bed. I mean, that was every morning, but especially this morning. He glances at the clock.

May 3rd, 2019. 7:20

He waddles across his apartment, checking around the corner before walking in his kitchen still wrapped up in his duvet. He wasn't sure how he would eat breakfast with the giant thing wrapped around him, but he would cross that problem when he got there.

He lived with his roommate, Lance, who's work schedule was later on in the day. Lucky him. Lance was a building painter, his specialty being painting abstract designs and zany patterns. He didn't get a huge income, which was why he was splitting rent with Dan.

Dan hurries with his bowl of cereal, throws on some clothes, wets his curls into place some, before heading out.

His career was photography, which, like Lance's, didn't have a huge income. Thus why him and lance had partnered up on the rent. Right now he was headed to his office where he would not only look at the photos he had taken and edit them, but other peoples too. Occasionally he would apply photography jobs to his co-workers and give permission to other organizations to use their photos, but mainly he was an editor. There was something so fun about being able to take something beautiful and make it even more beautiful with endless options.

"Morning Dan," the front receptionist greeted cheerfully.

Morning people, Dan thinks bitterly.

"Morning," he replies shortly, signing into work. He briskly walks until he reaches the elevator up to his area. Once there, he locates his cubicle. He sets his stuff down on the desk and sits down in his chair. Settling into his normal everyday routine, he worked for an hour before getting up and making his way to the coffee machine.

He had discovered that if he had coffee when he first arrived at work, near the end of work he was sluggish and useless. But if he waited about an hour before getting some, that was long enough to push him through the day.

He sighs in satisfaction as the delicious smell of coffee overtakes his senses. Who couldn't love coffee? It was warm, comforting, and gave you that little bit of zaz you needed.

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