Angry Volcanic Explosion

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Sorry I'm so late guys, but here it's is!

I sat there completely stunned. So angry I'm fighting with myself to keep tears from falling down my face. Pissed off to the point of extreme emotions. I might be sitting there silently, but Mom, Shawn, Mel, and Duke aren't. They all jump up from their chairs ready to explode on Uncle Joe.

Ben, being a smart man, using the moment to take Betty's hand and pull her away from the table. The older couple sparring us one last glance before blending in with the other dancing couples.

I'm still so lost in my grief and anger from Drake actually leaving I don't notice any of that. Mom jumps up from her seat spitting mad swinging her dress around with her as she turns to face Uncle Joe. She walks up to him until she is inches from his face.

"Sittt." She hisses at him. Pointing her finger toward the seat she just vacated. Telling him to sit his ass down and quick with that one word.

My world came back to focus then at Moms rarely used tone of voice. My eyes looking straight at Uncle Joe right away. Watching as the once sparkle of triumph fades from his eyes at Mom anger.

With sloppy, yet hurried movements he grabs the back of the chair Mom was pointing at and sitting down. Mom walking up behind him then. Placing her hands on his shoulders like he was just doing to her.

Mom has a sneer on her face as she leans down closer to his left ear getting ready to speak. Shawn, Mel, and Duke leaning toward him as well. All three wearing matching looks of rage directed at him.

Moms anger is still so high her words come out sounding like a hiss again. "I don't know what your plan was, or what you thought your little stunt would accomplish, big brother. I will say, whatever outcome you thought would happen failed miserably. For your information Joseph, my daughter already told me about coming to you for help. All about your little club and the work she did while there. She also told me how she meet Mel and the amazing friend she has turned out to be. She even gave me every dirty detail of Drake and her relationship so far."

Mom stopped to take a few breaths trying to calm herself down before going on.

"My daughter, who trust me to know every aspect of her life, told me all of this almost two months ago. She wanted my opinion on the man she was seeing before he stole her heart completely. After meeting and talking with the man myself. Watching how he treated my daughter when he thought no one else was looking told me everything I needed to know. I gave her my blessing wholeheartedly. Can you guess why, dear brother?"

Uncle Joes adams' apple bobbed up and down his throat nervously as he shook his head no in answer.

"Because, unlike you Joseph, I raised Abbie. I know the woman she has grown to be, and how throughly she goes over a problem in her life. Before making the actual decision. I trust my daughter when she tells me how great a man he is, and how well he treats her. I don't hold her past decisions or choices against her. No matter what those choices were, how they turned out. I love my daughter with all my heart, and I promised myself I would never treat her how our parents treated me."

Mom's eyes got cloudy at that thought. Making her stop and collect herself for a moment before finishing.

"Joseph, you know first hand what it was like for me when they found out I was pregnant with Abbie. Kicking me out of their house and disowning me. Even after finding out her father left, and I was on my own. My daughter will never go through, or know what that feels like from me. No matter what."

I saw the moment understanding lite up Uncle Joe's eyes. A grief stricken gasp came from his lips with Moms final words. An anger like never before consumes my entire body toward the man.

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