Planning A Virginia Wedding

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  This chapter is dedicated to AleCaballeroGermani hahaha you made sure you were first this time!!! I love it!!! Thank you so much!!!

  Drake and I surprisingly kept our shower to its purpose, nothing more. We both got dressed in casual clothes, then made our way to the kitchen. I helped Drake make us pancakes and sausage. Then standing between his parted legs as he feeds us everything on the plate.

  Once we finished Drake didn't waste a second before dropping a bomb on the remainder of our plans. Unfortunately, he had to fly back to Florida tonight, but would finally be bringing Dean back with him.

  As much as the news of our weekend being cut short sucked I couldn't help being a little relieved. Something that was supposed to be simple and fun for a few months has become complicated by my feelings and I could use the break.

  I tell him about visiting my mom for the next two weeks to help her with wedding plans. I'd planned on leaving Monday morning, but it would be awesome to surprise her a day early. Drake even left me speechless offering to come down on the 14th of June and stay the entire weekend to meet my mom. I continued to stutter for the right words a couple of hours later as Drake was dropping me off at my apartment.

  Mel listened to every detail that went on between Drake and I as she helped me finish packing my things, and loading them into my car. I helped her choose her costume for the Opening Of Summer Party next weekend at Sinful Delight. Ending the night crashed together on the couch with the movies credit rolling across the screen.

  I got up super early the next morning. Leaving out of New York before the morning traffic hit. The crowded city streets changing to rolling green fields the more hours that past. My numb ass tingling at the Virginia state line sign. I pull up outside the small house I call home a few hours later. Right as the sun is making its descent.

  Moms beat up two door car and Shawn's truck are parked in the driveway. I stop my car in the middle behind theirs to keep it hidden. I leave all my bags in the car except my purse as I get out quietly closing my door. I step on the porch avoiding the spot in front of the door that makes noise and knock. Nervous energy making me rock on my feet, but a blinding smile is on my face.

  I heard a female giggle then a thump followed by a laughing "one second!", called out by my mom. My cheeks flame in embarrassment just imagining what they were doing before. The wood door swings open before I can get control of my face. Mom not noticing me at first as she opens the screen door next apologizing.

  "Sorry you had to wait...Oh My God, Abbie!!" Jenny Black squeals engulfing me Into her embrace. I just chuckle wrapping my arms around her as well.

  Mom released me from her arms long enough to pull me into the house closing the doors behind her. Stopping in the middle of the living room turning around to face me. Holding my arms out to the side looking me over. While a disheveled Shawn embarrassingly true to fix the buttons on his shirt watching moms antics from the couch.

  "I can't believe your here! Look at you! Your absolutely glowing! Isn't she glowing, Shawn?" Mom glanced toward  Shawn bouncing in excitement.

  Shawn gaining major brownie points with me then, not even looking toward me. Only looking at my Mom as he answers. "Yes, Love." Mom blew him a kiss then turned back toward me.

  "How long are you here for? I have so many different appointments for the wedding coming up and I need my Maid of Honor here to help me decide." Mom told me bringing our joined hands in front of us leaning in like it was a secret.

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