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10 years later:
You always see all these movies with these epic love stories and always expect them to come true. You want them to and you wish they do, but they never do. Because that's not how reality works. And I would know, because it happened to me. I met who I thought would be the love of my life.

We would go to the same college together, move out together, raise a family together, never fight and just have the perfect life, but it was nothing like that. After Theo and I graduated we decided to take a gap year and on that gap year, we did as much as we could together. Travelled, moved out, fostered dogs, did some charity work, spend almost every single day together, before college. We didn't end up going to the same college, but we did have a long distance relationship.

Or at least we did for the first year of college. It all got too hard, not being able to see each other and barely being able to talk, it was draining us both and we both came to the same decision. To break up and move on with our lives. In fact, the second year into college I started dating a girl named, Brooke. College also helped me realise I was bisexual and not in fact gay. I then found Brooke cheating on me with my roommate, so that didn't end up lasting very long.

I started taking a course in nursing and then in my fourth year, I started dating this guy, Kian. We lasted four years, but then when we both finished college we then realised that we wanted to live in complete different places. So we then also broke up. I moved on with my life, became a nurse, got a nice house and a nice car, really started to build my life.

And then I realised that I was missing something, that there was this emptiness in me. And I needed someone or something to fill the emptiness, so I did what I knew that I had to do. I got a dog and named him, Cleo. That's when I also realised that I missed Theo, but after we called things off we both eventually got new numbers and I didn't get his new number, so there was no way of me finding out where he was or what he was up to.

So I had this nice house, nice car, and a French bull with a name inspiration of my ex boyfriend. So another year went by, I was getting more work time and then a young male got brought in, had been in a pretty bad car accident. I was one of the nurses taking care of him, but turns out he didn't need to be taken care of. He had miraculously healed in a span of an hour. And then I went to check on him, only to find out it was him. It was Theo and then that's when I believe in destiny.

After all these years, the universe finally brought us back together. We had a good conversation and just as I was discharging him, his boyfriend came rushing in to make sure he was alright. And you bet my heart shattered into pieces. Me and Theo kept in contact and then at the end of that year, there was a knock on my door. It was pouring down with rain and it was freezing, so I didn't have the energy to see who it was, but I was so grateful I did.

There he was again, saturated in the rain, eyes red and puffy from crying, lips trembling from the cold. I invited him in, turns out his boyfriend was just using him to get close to his sister. That did not go down well. We started talking, he stayed the night and ever since then, he hasn't left.

Now this is not how I expected everything to go, but it all worked out in the end. I ended up with my first ever real love, we have a French bull dog, a nice house and we now even have two nice cars. And I wouldn't want it any other way.

"Hurry up, I'm going to be late!" I smiled, turning around and making my way to the front door.

"I'm coming, Alli!" I yelled, grabbing the car keys.

And of course the last thing I forgot to leave out, the most important thing there is. Theo and I decided to adopt two beautiful kids, who we love more than anything in the world. Our little girl, Allison. Named after the hunter, the solider who saved out lives. And our little boy, Lucas. Named after Brett. That's what he wanted to name his son if he ever had one.

"It's all I've ever wanted." I whispered, turning around to see Theo walking down the stairs with Lucas in his arms.

"Alright mister soft guy, lets go. I'm not having her complain about being late again," he laughed, walking out the door to the car.

I smiled and followed him, closing the door after me. I walked over to the car and started up the engine, driving out of the driveway and making my way to school, remembering everything about these passed 10 years. How it was worth all the pain, misery, heartbreak and suffering.

Because in the end. I got everything I wanted and hoped for and so much more.

The end

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