Chapter 10

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Double digits. On a scale of 1 to 10. I'm in the double digits on the panic scale. A complete 10. I was petrified. I was running red lights. The old lady next to me flipped me off.

"Fuck you too" I boomed.

Lucas needed me. I could sense it. I'm suddenly wondering if I should have taken him to see a doctor when I made my discovery. Have someone use him as there guinea pig? But he isn't a test subject. I'm starting to feel like Mickey. I mean Lucas may not be bipolar like Ian but he is still mentally unstable. I guess this is my Gallavich story.

I think I'm more worried about Alex making an appearance and hurting someone else more than Lucas leaving. Maybe it isn't such a bad idea if he ran off and started a new life. I could go with him. We could change our names. Go to Canada or Mexico. Not to brag but I do know some Spanish. We could you know rent out a one-bedroom apartment. Work under the tables. I can be his own personal therapist.

The American dream is or likes the Canadian of Mexican dream. Haha no. You are right it would never work. I might as well dwell in prison for the rest of my life, away from my family. Away from My friends. Away from Lucas. I mean I could rewatch that episode of Shameless where Debbie teaches Carol how to make a proper shank. I could YouTube ways to make get comfortable in prison. I could use my knowledge from TV. TV makes the good moments pretty accurate so why can't the awful moments be just as accurate.

My phone rings. I take the wheel with my knees and grab the phone squeezing it between my shoulder and cheek answering it. The icy glass was refreshing against my burning face. I move my hand back to the wheel.

"You find him," I asked.

"Find who where are you Hope, are you okay. We have been calling you for hours." Allison was going on and on.

"Just stop right there. I got other things on my mind more important than myself"

"The hospital called us about your wrist. You need to come home now."

"No, I need to find Lucas. I don't care at what cost."

"At least give your mom a call. Let her know you are breathing."

"Yeah, I really don't have time. I got to go" I hang up throwing my phone to the passenger's seat. Pulling up to Lucas's apartment.

I take a glance at my phone. Whitley gave the thumbs down emoji. Walter gave a negative so far. Abraham said he was speaking to the bus drivers now.

I slithered up his stairs. My steps so cautious they didn't even make a sound. Hushed movements could be heard through the thing wide door. I give it a light push. As soon as it opens and I see him.
***Cherish and Grandma.

"He Is Lucas's dad" She predicts.

"Why would you even think that"

"It's unexpected."

"It's Alex than"

"Please Cherish we are at the end of the story here."

"But like ugh"

"May I continue"

"Yes," She hummed.
***The end of the Story.

His eyes were wide stormy haunting some would even say vacant. It hit me hard in my chest. The thought squirmed into my head. I couldn't understand why I didn't realize this sooner. I could no longer crack the indifferent code of Lucas.

"Lucas?" I reach out and grazed his arm. He jumped back.

"Yeah, it's me. Not Alex, Chelsea, or whoever else is stuck in this messed-up mind" he tapped his head nervously giggling.

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