Chapter 8

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"Why do you do this to me" Cherish was crying.

"It's harsh but..."

"You couldn't write something about trolls and bubblegum" she interrupted.

"The saying is rainbows and unicorns." Where does she get this stuff?

"He should not have to go back to that hell house"

I just continue the story over her tears.

***The story.

I watched as he ran the opposite direction to me. I have done so much for me and he just runs the other way. Away from me. Why does he have to run?

I stride back into the house. My mother pouring herself a glass of milk pleased with herself. I bounce on the balls of my feet. My headache was excruciatingly painful. I couldn't see straight. I needed to get my shit together. But being me I didn't get my shit together. My shit exploded BIG time. Her eyes were so calm... like she didn't know what she just did. She put him in danger.

I hit her with the line I promised I never would say in the heat of a moment. "I HATE YOU"

She dropped her glass to the ground. The milk-soaked the floorboards. The glass pieces attaching themselves to whatever spot they could cover. The glass was being planted in the spots where it knew we would step.

"Wow" She empathized the ow. I hurt her. The words didn't just pick her they gutted her insides out. You could tell by her tear-stained eyes.

I didn't say another word. I didn't mean it. Not at all. I love my mother. I said it because I was pissed... It's not her fault. I don't have a good reason for it. I feel Mal...or bad.

I left the room. I could hear her saying "That's cool."

I expected her to scream at me. Throw something. Instead, I got disappointed. There is nothing worse than disappointing the person who's been there since the beginning of it all. The person whose vagina your sorry ass came from and still decides to put up with you.

I was sorry I really was. I'd have to make it up to her later. But now I've got to go. How do they do that thing in the movies? You know that ridiculously unrealistic thing where they tie the sheets to climb out the window. I take my sheets and try to tie one of those knots.

I gave up. Fuck this. I walk down the stairs and past my mom in the kitchen cleaning up the glass. I'm a teenager I go through crazy mood swings.

"I love you Mom but I got to go"

Out the door, down the road to bust down...thotianna? What are you doing Kayla? You guys read that right? Ugh, I meant bust down another door. Taking ass and kicking names...wait that is not right.
I get to Lucas's apartment. The staircase was crumbling apart. The pain needed to be freshened up. The window on the lower floor had a hole in the shape of a baseball in it. What could have done that?

I thought about it long and hard should I really go up that staircase. It looks dangerous. But isn't Lucas dangerous too? No. He would never hurt me. But what about Alex?

I having these crazy thoughts. Lucas knows if they hurt me that he will be fucked. Yeah, that's it. I tied my hair into a bun and threw my phone in my bra.

"Let's get this bread" I climb the tree next to his window. Climbing trees has always been something that just came to me. I use to help Lucas to the top of the trees in elementary school just to poke fun at how small everyone looked because up in that high we didn't feel so small and weak. We were extraordinary.

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