Chapter 9

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"I don't see this ending well for Lucas or Hope" Cherish was biting her nails.

"We are coming to the end of the twos wild journey," I said.

"Really? I don't want it to end."

"Even the best of stories have to come to an end."

"I guess" She pouted.
***The story.

I was always the sore thumb everywhere I went. I have always been in the group but not "in" the group you feel me. I'm just that person it doesn't matter where I'm at or whom I am with. I don't even think people try to do it. It just happens. The only person who has ever made me feel like I belong to a part of something was Lucas. He was there through everything and stood by me. I always took my side no matter how wrong I was.

I know somebody out there that knows what I'm doing with my life right now is thinking why would she throw away everything that she could be for a boy. Lucas isn't just a boy. He is a friend. My best friend. Way before I started developing feelings for him he gave me a hand when I was down. He gave me something to hold on to. I'm not doing everything because he is my soulmate that would be so fucking cliche and we all know how I am with cliches. No, I'm doing this for my best friend.

I felt at my weakest when I cried. I was something helpless worthless. Like a turtle turned right side up. That's exactly how I felt like a turtle. I am that turtle.

"You are a turtle," Lucas asked when he came into my room.

"You weren't supposed to hear that"

"But I did"

"Yeah, I guess" I reach up to brush my hair out of my face. Only now remembering my right hand was in a cast.

"Since when did you get a cast"


"Oh and I wasn't there for you" his face fell.

"You were doing other things. Don't worry Walter took me"

"Walter did?" He seemed to be upset.

"Yeah. Is that a problem."

"Did he do anything to you"

"No Walter is our friend Lucas why would he"

"I don't know. I should have been the one to take you"

"But you were a little busy," I said.

"Doing what I couldn't have possibly been that busy"

Maybe it was time. I patted the seat next to me. Wiping the tears away that were resurfacing from yesterday.


He sat down smiling.
"Babe okay I can handle this"

"You need to take me seriously"

"Oh no are you breaking up with me"

"No just listen." This was going to be tougher than I thought.

"Okay," he nodded for me to continue.

"You know how special you are already right?" I asked.

"I guess"

"There is something that I have recently configured that makes you even more special"

"What's that"

"You have this thing that's so rare they have fewer than 200,000 cases a year"

"Cases? Am I sick? I haven't been feeling sick at all" he questioned.

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