Chapter 4.

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"Woah Woah woah...She dumped milk on him??" Cherish was looking through her closet for the THIRD time. Yes third.

"Yes, that is what the chapter said." I said.

"That's so badass I'm so going to do-" I shot her a look."Not that. So going to do not that. I'm going to drink my milk like a good person" She finished.

"You better..." She shrunk under my gaze. "I'm joking okay no need to get all jumpy"

"Right" She said.

"You're changing again?!" I wondered.

"Yes. I need to look perfect" She said.

"Honey, if he doesn't like you for you than...he, is absolutely nuts. The beauty from the inside should outshine the ugliness of the outside."

Another face drop. "Again I'm joking you're gorgeous."


"Your welcome."
***The story
We all were suspended. I didn't hear any of the words that came out of More's mouth. I just knew they were spiteful. I was wiping the spit off my face. His face was burning red. Next thing I knew we all got a paper shoved in our faces. Lucas got a week. Daniel got a week. I got three days. Lucas kissed me goodnight at my door last Monday and that's the last time I saw him.

The only thing I know For sure is if he isn't dead or hurt I'm going to murder him. I woke up the following Monday after everyone's suspension was over Daniel and Lucas should be back in today. I let the phone ring. Why was his ringtone baby? Yes, 2010 Justin Bieber. Shut the fuck up. "Hey, this is Lucas Monroe. If I'm not answering it's probably because my new girlfriend has me in a headlock somewhere and I'm trying to tickle her off of me. ITS OKAY HOPE IVE TOLD THE WORLD...bye now I may or may not call you back"

After the ding. I left my own voicemail for the hundredth time.
"Again I know for a fact your new girlfriend doesn't have You in a headlock yet because I am your new girlfriend. I won't be for long though if you keep dozing my messages. I'm worried about you...please just give me a call so I know nothing is wrong or I will come to your house and bust the door down." I hung up.

I Scavenged my dresser for something to wear. I have to do laundry seriously what is this bullshit in here. I didn't even know I owned a skirt. Where are my fandom tees? Ooh, there's a tank top I can wear. I threw it over my black lacy bra. I looked down a read the shirt "if you ain't scared you ain't human." I slid on my dark Jeans and then my Vans.

I hope I get to see him today. I pulled my hair back into a bun. I made sure my glasses were not crooked. I have a bad feeling about today. My ears are tingling. My heart's beating at an unnatural pace. My fingers are trembling ever so slightly.

"Let's do this. Let's get it." I whipped. "Yeah never do that again."

I grabbed my keys ready to start the inevitable day. The day of chaos.
I went through my day like any other it wasn't that bad compared to others. I mean I still haven't seen Lucas all day. Which is a bad sign correct?.

I sat at our lunch table in our school's very disgusting cafeteria. Ewe is that a roach.
I almost puked. We definitely need a health inspection.

"Hope? You hear me" Walter asked.

"No, I didn't what was it."

"I said what is going on with your writing we haven't seen much of it lately."

"I have writer's block. I guess it hasn't been coming to me as much as it uses to"

"That is a shame. You were getting so good we wouldn't want you to quit now" Whitley face dropped.

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