Chapter 6

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"We should be heading out are you ready baby?" My son yelled to his daughter.

"Just shut up dad. Everything isn't about you"

"You're going to be late"

"Just shut up. God, I got plenty of time."

I could feel him rolling his eyes at her.

I smack both of them from the back of there heads.

"She's got a hot date tonight...and she ain't going until I finish telling her the story," I said.

"We got time Grandma just come on tell me what happened to them"

"Okay only because I like showing off"

***The story.

It would be so much easier if I didn't trust my eyes. It's so much easier if what I am witnessing I wasn't. It would be so much easier if I didn't have the eyes superstition. But I guess this shouldn't be easy...At all.

It wasn't just my eyes displaying it no more. All my senses were tingling. Feeling the shaking student body. Hearing the shrill screams and patterning of footsteps. Tasting the humidity in the air. Smelling the freshly painted blood. Seeing her.

Strung up like a puppet where we as a country should be holding our pride. I should look away but I can't look away because partially I feel like this is my fault. I know this because karma is a bitch. Which proved it's a point when a gauged out eyeball came rolling in front of my toes. I kind of felt like I was being sucked into an episode of happy tree friends. The thing is though nobody here looked as cute nor happy as those little shits did.

Out of all the things I can be thinking at the moment I think that?! Why?!
Her clothes were shredded. Mascara was smeared. Blood poured down from her slitted throat... The weapon he could likely be a kitchen knife.

I always was under the impression that she hated me so I always stuck to the motto treat people how they treat you. I thought we had a mutual hatred. A Fun-filled rivalry. But again hate is a strong word. Almost as strong as the word love. You got to know a person really well to love them. Everyone knows that you got to know the good and the bad. Stick by them and that emotion no matter what. Well, the same thing goes for hate... Can you really hate someone you don't know?

Melanie Garcia was the school's biggest stereotype. She was the bitchy queen of the school. The one who had all the guys and some girls fawn over here. She had the mass followers.
She had it all to fit that stereotype or did she? Did we really know Melanie? Was what she showed up just a front for the entire school? Was what she showed all of us the real Melanie? I guess now we will never know because Melanie Garcia is dead and Alex killed her.

"You!! This is all your fault" A boy screamed at me. He must have been lower classmen.

"My fault? How is this my fault?"

"Oh, I don't know maybe because you found out the truth" This kid was probably one of her conquests.

"Listen, kid, I got no idea what you talking about"

"The Damn video" I froze. He is not talking about the video.

"Excuse me what are you talking about"

"Pfft like you don't know"

"That's why she asked dickhead" Whitley came up and dragged me away.

"What's going on"

"Melanie posted the video."

"How do you even know that"

"She told Walter...she was crying on his shoulder she felt so guilty"

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