Chapter 2

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"Wait..where do you even come up with this stuff" Cherished asked.

"Oh child I'm reading what I have written on Wattpad is that so bad." I said.

"What is Wattpad" She cocked the eyebrow that was done.

"It has only been about 40 years since I found out about Wattpad? It ain't that old" I said.

"What is it though" She asked her grandma.

"Why don't you Google it or is that too old for your spoiled ass to" I said.

"Sorry yes continue.." She was use to the old prune swearing up a storm.

"You sure you want to hear it" I said.

"You are being overdramatic" She said.

"I deserve to be overdramatic that is the problem in your generation you think you all know everything" I said.

"What has that got to do with my generation that's every generation?" Cherish asked.

"Will you listen child" I answered.

"I thought that's what I was doing. You are the one who has insisted on telling me the story" She said.

"Oh...okay then let me continue." I said.

*The story.*

"So you don't remember leaving me all alone in front of the closet for Melanie" I looked at him. He wouldn't meet my eyes.

"No Why would I do that after we ran from her in the first place"
He said.

"You don't remember interlocking your arms. Saying she looks like a fox." I said.

"Why would I use the term fox. That is so... Cringy" He said.

"You know what I call bullshit. Look me in my eyes and tell me you don't remember any of it" I said.

His chocolate eyes just looked intensely into mine. He inhales deeply then let it out.

"I don't remember any of it" Lucas didn't even blink an eye. Again with my eye conspiracy theory. He was waiting for me to tell him whether or not I believed him. The whole looking someone in the eye thing is to test whether or not you are telling the truth. Blinking before the one you want to know you are truthful is a sign that you are fearful they aren't going to believe the lie. But if you stay with your eyes wide open that is a sign of faith of the desperation. Desperation can only be shown if you're worried that they won't believe the truth. Call me mental but like I said eyes are very important to me.

"I believe you" I blinked than he followed. Like we had an understanding.

He crawled into my bed and laid his head across my lap. Nuzzling his burning red cheeks into my sweatpants.

"Ignore the blush on my cheeks. It's because of the contact." He said.

"Planned on it. We got more important matters to discuss" I swirl my finger around and around on his forearm.

"Okay" He said.

"Were you drunk?" The circumstances of last night actually hit me for the first time since Lucas entered my bedroom. My stomach felt like a pit of rocks.

"No, I didn't even have one drink."

"Than where you high?" I countered.

"Nope" I'm not going to say he popped the P because that would be expected. I know you all want me to claim he popped the P. It's all a conspiracy. I swear.

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