Sairah wore a sad face as she gathered the remnants of the food. "Why not sport? Do you think they'll make you anxious like Mum did?" She brushed a hand over Leigh's hair.

Leigh closed her eyes once Sairah's hand was on her head. She opened them after. "No but . . . I'm all sicky right now. I'm in no shape to have visitors. Look at me." She pouted at Sairah to sell it.

Sairah observed Leigh's messy hair and her puppy themed pyjamas. "Aww . . . they won't mind. It's why they'd be visiting . . . because you're sick. They'd want to see you." She nodded surely.

Leigh looked into the bowl which was now empty. Oh Jesy, even after all these years I still want to look good for you. She thought of when they were kids and how she would spend hours in her underwear looking for clothes in her wardrobe which might impress the girl. That had been a lost cause from the start. She giggled remembering how she'd always end up wearing the same childish outfits she always did. And I guess nothing's changed. She observed the pyjamas Sairah had given her. I like it anyway. I feel cozy in them. She hugged herself.

"Aww." Sairah snapped a quick picture of Leigh and instantly posted on her Instagram.

Leigh-Anne gasped. "Sairah nooo!"

"What? It's cute." Sairah showed it to her. "People will love it."

"Sairah you know that you have a ton of followers. I don't want the whole of London and New York seeing me in my pyjamas." Leigh was stretching to take the phone.

"Omg it's no big deal. You're a kid no one will mind." Sairah was holding her phone away and laughing.

"No I'm not Sairah I'm seventeen. I'm expected to look classy and stunning at all times. Even when I'm sick- Sairaaaah!" Leigh could not reach the phone.

Sairah kept laughing as she held it away. "I'm gonna bring this downstairs and you're gonna stay up here and relax alright Pooky?"

Leigh sighed. "Alright fine." As long as none of her friends were following her sister she guessed it would be fine.

Sairah gave her a big kiss on the cheek before she sprang out of the bed and ran out of the room. Her dog got excited and followed her.

When Sairah got downstairs she set the dishes in the sink and cringed at them. Ugh. I don't wanna wash you know but . . . She decided to be responsible and start washing.

Someone knocked on the door then and she was happy that she had a distraction. "Coming!"

Sairah skipped to the door and opened it up. "Welcome visit- oh my God I was actually right." Who was standing at the door was none other than Perrie leading a group of teens.

Perrie waved her hand with a smile saying; "Heyoooo!" She then proceeded to hug Sairah who opened up her arms.

"I was just telling Leigh that you'd be here in a few and look." Sairah kissed Perrie's cheeks and then looked out at the other kids after Perrie entered. "Oh hi hey." She waved at Jade.

Jade was not sure if this was a good idea. I mean it's fine for me and Perrie to be here but . . . She got pulled into a hug and then kissed on either of her cheeks. Her body vibrated but she tried to hide that she was weak in the knees. "Good afternoon S-Sairah . . ." She was pulled inside after by Perrie who was grinning.

Sairah smiled bright at the only boy. "Hello there. I don't think I've seen you before." She hugged him tight and kissed him on the cheeks too.

Jimin wanted to die. I ruined her sister's life and yet she's being so nice! Ahhh! He had basically been like this since Leigh came back. That was all he could think of since Leigh got here. Seeing her panic attack which had been circulating around the school had not helped his thoughts at all. "Good da-"

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