Chapter Two- Its Not A Threat Its A Promise.

Start from the beginning

"It's just up there you lazy cow" She said laughing.

I let the cigarette was hung between my lips as the smoke blew out my nostrils. We'd walked up all the long steps and were at the top on the path, I wasn't really paying attention just looking around.

This place would make a pretty running place.

'Not that you run' My mind told me. Which was true, I didn't run but I did different activities. I must've got carried away in my thoughts, because I was knocked on the floor, again.

"Cherry bomb" As voice said above me. I stood up and saw Jace Hunter, again.

"I thought I told you too watch who your talking too" I said glaring at him. His blue eyes looked like the ocean, a really nice blue. It felt like they pulled you in, but of course I wasn't going to let him know that.

"That boys is why she's called cherry bomb, she explodes as soon as you light her up" Jace laughed. His pearly white teeth shown and his head leaned back slightly. His laugh alone could have sent me six feet under, it was pure sexy all on it's own even without his looks. We'll for someone who's known as the mysterious bad boy, I wouldn't say he's very bad.

"My name is Charlie, got that? Charlie, not cherry bomb, Charlie" I said in a slow motion like he was a little child. I looked at him and then at Cleo and Liv to see them staring wide eyed at me. I turned back to Jace to look at the four guys behind him, they looked slightly older than Jace but still you could tell by looking at them that they were still young. They were laughing, clearly at me thanks to Jace.

Annoyance and anger set in and I asked the question that had been on my mind since this morning when I in countered Jace. If you want to know how to piss of the bad boy, then follow my lead. "Your not much of a bad boy really are you Jace? I mean in reality I haven't seen you do anything remotely bad. You seem like any normal kid at our school, so why do people fear you and why does everyone call you the bad boy of our school?" I asked curiously.

Everyone stopped laughing and Jace looked at me, the smile was no longer on his face instead it was replaced with a pissed off look. His eyes narrowed and for once he actually looked scary. "You don't know anything, so shut up" he growled.

"Bite me" I said growling at him. I grabbed Cleo and Liv's arms and walked away to go get Mason so we could go back to hers.

Jace's P.O.V>

"Mmm" Ben said laughing. I watched as Charlie's curly brown hair moved slightly as she walked. The way her clothes clung to her perfectly, not to mention her leather jacket.

"You should keep her close mate, because a girl like her won't be available for long" My best friend Jesse said.

I nodded my head. "I know, she's a keeper" I said. From the first moment I saw her I knew she was a keeper. I knew the first time I saw her that I wanted to make her mine, and after speaking to her today I knew I really wanted to make her mine. "But I can't bring her into my world, it would be selfish and it's too dangerous for her" I said shaking my head. All four of them were looking at me with sympathetic faces. "Hey I choose the way I live my life, nobody's forcing me. So less with the sympathetic faces and let's go handle our business" I said proud. I did choose the way I lived my life, now at least. I didn't start it because I wanted too, but I certainly am in it and do it now because I wish too.

"Not much of a kid are you?" Nick said.

"Never really was" I said pulling a gun out from my jeans. "Jesse your going to help me take out the people, Malakai I want you up in the trees ready to take out any shooters we can't see, and Nick you got your knives ready?" I asked looking at him.

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