Ringing in the New Season

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After a crazy insane summer we return home for training camp. I had about a week to get a summers worth of workouts in but I think I did a pretty good job. I felt fresh and energized to have another chance to win the cup again next year.

And while I missed being in a different city each night and not constantly being hounded for autographs and pictures, it was nice to be home. I missed the rink and the bean and even the traffic. I couldn't wait to be where I belonged again and get back to doing what I do best. Chicago was my home now and I was happy to be here.

"Where are you off to" Madeline asks as I pull on some shoes. It was early September and fall was nearly upon us. So I usually switch from some kind of sandals to regular shoes when I leave.

"Just out. Do you need anything" I wonder.

"I would like a case of bud light, some dog treats for my baby, and a carton of vanilla ice cream" she lists off and I turn to her.

"A whole carton of ice cream" I question.

"Oh, and some tampons" she adds on and I nod. Alright, that makes sense now.

So she shows me which tampons to get and I head out the a mission. But that wasn't the first place I was going, first I was going somewhere where I was originally planning on going to. I find a jewelry store a little outside of fur city and decide to go in. I don't expect to be bothered because this was a jewelry store after all, so I was able to walk around. I look at the rings and quickly become overwhelmed.

"How can I help you sir" someone asks and I turn around. Their eyes get big as they look me up and down. "Holy... you're Patrick Kane" he gasps.

"I am. And I could really use some help right now" I admit as I look back at the rings.

"Of course. Are you looking for a promise ring or a engagement ring or a wedding ring" he wonders.

"Engagement" I tell him and he nods.

"Alright. Are you looking for a big ring or a small one" he continues.

"Nothing too big, I don't want her to feel like she can't wear it places because it's so big. But still something nice that she can show off to her friends" I explain.

"Alright. Then I think we should move to the section of our dynamic rings. The size of the ring isn't all that crazy but the details and the depth leave you finding something with every flick of the wrist" he explains.

I follow him to a different part of the store and look at the display case. I gaze for a while before a ring catches my eyes. I smile to myself as I move in closer.

"What can you tell me about that one" I wonder.

"That one is one of a kind

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"That one is one of a kind. It's only comes in that size and there isn't anything else like it, not around here at least. It's the color is what we call rose gold and it never looks dirty. It will help keep the sparkle and always look fresh. It's a bit more expensive with it being so one of a kind and having so many diamonds in it. But if it's going to sit on anyone's finger it should be Madeline's" he admits.

"I think I'm gonna take that ring and a little black box" I admit and he nods. He opens up the case and brings out the ring.

"Are you plan on proposing soon" he wonders.

"Our one year anniversary is at the end of this week, I really hope to do it then" I explain.

"Well as long as the ring fits I don't see why not. Do you know what size she wears" he asks.

"I asked my sisters and they said she's a 6 for her ring finger" I explain.

"That's perfect" he claims and I smile. I was hoping he would say that.

I purchase the ring and he puts it in its box. I hide it in the glove department of my car and head to the convenient store trying to figure out how I wanted to propose. We had been talking about doing something special for our one year anniversary but I wasn't sure what yet. She was still catching up on sleep and I was in the middle of getting back into hockey. We never really figured out what to do. So I pick up what I need and try to get ideas, try to find something that was going to be enough for us and for that ring. I didn't want it to be so cliche, I'm sure she's seen all the romantic movies and I didn't want it to be so predictable. But she has it all, it's hard to think up of something she wouldn't see coming.

Then I remember back to our first date at the botanical gardens, how amazing that night was and how cool it was to be in there all by ourselves. If I could get that place rented out again that would be cool. But this time I wanted people with cameras to capture the night, maybe have our families there and maybe even a live band. I don't know. Something that she will appreciate and still be surprised by.

So I call into the botanical gardens to see if I can get the greenhouse rented out again. And while it wasn't cheap it was possible so I get that set. I find a nice band to play some music for us and get food from our favorite restaurant in the city. Once I get ahold of our families and friends and explain to them what was happening they were on board. The plans were set and now all I could do was wait.

I finally return home and find Maddie and Titan cuddled up on the couch. After being on the go for so long Maddie wanted to stay in bed or one the couch for as long as she could. I don't even think she's left the house since we got home earlier this week.

"I got your stuff" I announce as I walk in. She jumps up and hops into the kitchen where I was getting us two bowls for ice cream. I give her three scoops before she takes her bowl and fills it with chocolate syrup. She mixed it together until the ice cream is a creamy brown color and I look at her weird.

"Why not just get chocolate ice cream" I question.

"It tastes better this way" she shrugs.

"How" I wonder.

"I'm not really sure. It just does."

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