Old Friends

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LA is home to many famous people from singers to actors to reality tv stars. It had a little bit of it all. But LA has never been home to me. Yes I have a house there and yes I live there time to time, but it has never been home.

But for the shows I had out here in LA I was going to stay at my house so I don't have to sleep in a hotel or a tour bus for once. I can let Titan run around for a little and not be stuck sleeping in a bunk bed with Patrick. So I get comfortable at the house and take a shower in a real shower for once. Patrick and I decide to enjoy the night off in the city. We find a nice bar with good security and decide to hang out there. It was a up end one so a lot of famous people go here. I meet up with a few of my LA friends and introduce them to Patrick. Most of them being Kings fans they really didn't like Patrick as a player because there really isn't a team he doesn't light up like a Christmas tree. But as a young twenty one year old with a unique personality and love for beer most people naturally fall in love with him just as I did.

After a few drinks we dance for a little and have a lot fun. The fun times were never a shortage whenever I'm in LA, that was never the problem. It's all the shit that comes with it that makes me want to go home to Chicago and hide away from the world for a while.

"Question. Who is that dude over there who won't stop staring at you" Patrick asks as we stand off to the side. We had to catch our breath from tearing up the dance floor but I think we still had a few songs in us.

"Which one" I smirk and he just shakes his head.

"You're the worst... you know that" he teases and I giggle.

"I'm just messing with you. But I still need to know which one you're taking about" I admit. Usually when I come to bars I get hit on every song but coming here with someone certainly helps with that. But that doesn't stop them from looking and I knew what he was talking about. I've felt a pair of eyes on me all night, I just thought they were his up until a few seconds ago.

"2 o' clock. Tall dark haired boy who looks like he lost out on a role in Teen Wolf" Patrick claims making me chuckle. I look slightly to my right to see who he was talking about. I see the guy staring at me and I brush it off at first. I was gonna tell Patrick that he was just some punk guy who couldn't handle his penis and beer at the same time.

But I stop moving when I realize that I recognized this man. He was a bit older than the last time we saw each other. He was just 20 and I was just 16 the last time we spoke. And even though it's been 5 years since I last saw him I could have happily gone the rest of my life without seeing him ever again. Once our eyes meet I see him start to come over and tears start to form in my eyes.

"We have to go" I say softly. With the music blaring Patrick moves in closer so he can hear me.

"What? I can't hear you" Patrick claims as he tries to talk over the music.

"Please get me out of here" I nearly yell and his eyes grow big.

"Woah woah woah, what's wrong" he asks.

"I need to leave" I try to explain.

"I can call your driver" he offers.

"I don't care who it is just get me the hell away from here" I insist.

He grabs my hand and starts to pull me away. But as he does so he runs into the guy from earlier and they start to apologize to one another for bumping into each other. The tall mans eyes meet mine and in that moment I wanted to die.

"Hey Maddie" he says as I swallow a lump stuck in my throat.

"What do you want from me" I whisper.

"I just want to talk" he insists.

"I have nothing to say to you" I say as I step back. Jason was the last guy I ever wanted to talk to again.

"What's going on here" Patrick asks as he steps between us. But like all night I feel his eyes still on me as I hide behind Patrick.

"Please can we just leave" I ask.

"I just want to talk" Jason begs.

"There's nothing you can say that makes what you did any type of okay. You were supposed to be my best friend Jason, you were supposed to be there for me and support me and have fun" I explain.

"I thought we were having fun" he defends.

"At no point did I say I wanted to have sex with you... and I certainly didn't say that you could record it" I say and everyone stops. Patrick looks from me to Jason and I see fire start to burn in his eyes. His muscles tense under my grasp and I try my best to hold him back.

"This is the ass hole who hurt you" Patrick growls.

"We were drunk" Jason defends.

"I do not give a single fuck. If she never said she wanted to have sex with you then it's not okay" Patrick claims.

"Listen dude, this doesn't involve you" Jason says as he puts his hand up.

"But it does. You hurt her therefore you hurt me" Patrick claims. I know this wasn't the best situation but that meant a lot to me.

"All I want is to talk so we can put this behind us and move on" Jason explains.

"You mean so that you can move on. You want me to forgive you because deep down you know what you did was wrong and you can't forgive yourself" I accuse. "I can't just move on from that... you hurt me beyond comprehension. You were supposed to protect me, be my best friend. But instead you used me, you took advantage of me then recorded it so you can relive it over and over. I don't need that recording because that horrible night plays over and over in my head without it. Yes I was drunk but my feelings for you never changed, you were always just a friend to me and you knew that. But you didn't care. Didn't ask me if this is what I wanted, you just wanted something to show to your friends as brownie points. But I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of walking away from that night and me still having to live in the shadows of the clouds you give me.

What you did was wrong Jason. Nothing you can say makes it okay. And I've finally been able to trust again, I've found someone who listens to me and doesn't take advantage of the fact that I make mistakes. Some of them... they're not forgivable" I explain.

"I just want to put this behind us" he begs.

"It's a part of us. And that part is the end of us" I say.

"Please" he says as he steps foreword. Patrick steps towards him too and I was almost positive they were going to end up chest to chest. But the security quickly picks up on the two guys hitting heads and separates them.

"You leave her the hell alone" Patrick threatens.

"Why don't I go tell everyone about our little secret" Jason asks me.

"Then your ass gets arrested for forcing sex upon a minor and recording without permission" I remind him.

He knew I was right. It's why he never exposed me before. I know those videos aren't deleted forever. I'm sure he has some form of that video somewhere. But if he releases those my dad and our lawyer who settled this earlier knows he was the one who put it out there and he's in jail. But that doesn't stop him from wanting to clear his conscious.

And I hope it never goes away. I hope this haunts him like it used to haunt me. I hope he learned how your actions have consequences, and some will never go away.

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