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"That was absolutely insane" I yell as I jump into Patricks arms. He easily catches me as he hugs me tight.

They had just gotten done with the victory parade down the streets of Chicago and I couldn't have been more inspired if I was a little hockey player watching my favorite team up there talk about me one day joining them to take on the cup. The streets were shut down so the Blackhawks could preach to their fans, so the cities hero's could tell everyone just what they wanted to hear. I was inspired because those were my friends up there, I've partied and hung out with those guys for what feels like a week straight. They all welcomed me into their hockey family with open arms and I'm so thankful to be a part of this historical run. I've done a lot of cool things in my life but there's nothing better than what I've been able to experience this past week.

"That feeling I had up there when everyone was chanting my name. How fast my heart was going and how I couldn't find the words I wanted to say...

That's how I feel when I'm with you" he claims and I smile.

"Don't try to make this day about me" I threaten. This was all him, he was the hero after all. There was no parade without Patrick Kane over time game six magic. We were about to go on tour and then he can talk about me all he wants. But this day was to celebrate what he was able to do with his team and share it with a few million of our friends.

"I want to make it about us" he claims and I turn my head to the side.

"Us" I ask. I wasn't expecting that.

"Yeah. I got people of my own to set something up at our house for us to do" he explains.

"You let people into our house" I ask ask my eyes get wide.

"Alright... my people are my sisters, but they insisted on helping" he claims and I relax.

"Well that sounds good. Lets go see them" I say as I grab his hand. I start to pull him behind me as we find Kelly waiting for us by the park.

We head home and I see his sisters sitting out front on the porch sipping on some lemonade that's been in my fridge since the cup finals but never got drank because we never really got to be home since they won. Patrick and I get out and as soon as I get over to them I pull them into a huge hug.

"Are you guys leaving" I ask sadly. I mean, they've been here since before the playoffs but I was getting used to them being around all the time and hanging out. I don't have a lot of friends around here and I really didn't want them to leave just yet.

"Yeah, but we'll see you real soon" Erica promises.

"Well thanks for keeping me sane throughout the playoffs. I had so much fun and I'm so happy I get to have some more great hockey memories with you guys" I insist.

"You're too sweet" Jackie insists.

"Yeah, why do you love my brother" Jessica teases and I hear his gasp from behind me.

"He has his days" I joke.

Patrick happily send his sisters on their way and we go inside the house. I look around but it all looks the same to me, nothing was changed or new. Titan was scratching at the back door because he had to pee but it was actually nicer looking than we left it. I'll have to tip the maid later for dealing with the craziness she's been through this week.

"What did you do" I ask carefully as he smiles at me. This time he grabs my hand and pulls me behind him. after weaving in and out of the furniture he takes me to the backyard where there was a huge blow up bed sitting in the middle of it. There was blankets and pillows and a bunch of snacks on a table next to it. I see a big white screen across from the bed and I smile to myself. My backyard wasn't big enough for a pool or to have a hot tub and be able to enjoy it. But this little home theatre was perfect.

"Did you make us a home made drive in movie theatre" I question.

"I did" he admits and I happily clap my hands together.

"Oh this is great! I'm so excited" I exclaim as I jump up and down in my spot.

"You're so cute when you're happy" he accuses and I laugh. He pulls me into a little hug and I was convinced I couldn't be happier than I was right now.

"What movie did you get" I wonder.

"You're favorite" he claims.

"I have like 20 favorite movies" I remind him.

"Alright. Then it's your favorite romantic movie" he says.

"Ohhhh is it The Titanic" I ask.

"It's the extended edition so now we get three and a half hours of nonstop suspense" he smirks and I laugh.

"I love you so much, thank you for putting this together" I say as I pull him to a kiss. He takes no time deepening the kiss making me smile extra big.

We both change into our matching PJs and grab some beer and head to the back. I hop onto the bed and giggle as I bounce around. It was like sitting on a big cloud. Patrick hops beside me making me shake, once he realizes what he could do he starts to move some more so he makes me bounce around.

"Maybe I need to get you a trampoline" I tease.

"We're actually not allowed to have a trampoline" he tells me.

"Well that's no fun" I pout.

"But I mean, what they don't know doesn't hurt them" he claims.

"That's... awful but true" I nod.

We get settled in and start the movie up. Titan joins us outside as Patrick throws his ball every so often. There was no way Titan could come up here with us without popping the bed. But he seemed pretty compliant laying down next to me on the ground.

"Is Titan coming on tour with us" Patrick asks and I shrug.

"I'm not sure yet" I admit.

"Tour starts in three days, don't you think you should probably figure that out" he insists.

"Well I really want to bring him but I don't see how he can be happy with all this travel. I refuse to send him to those doggy hotels and if he stays on the tour bus he'll need his own bed. But how am I supposed to leave my big boy behind" I ask as I grab Titans face. He was the biggest fluffiest thing I've ever known and I don't want to live without him.

"I think he would have fun on the road. So many of your fans would give him love and I'll play with him as much as possible while you're working" he promises.

"Really" I ask.

"Of course. He's a part of our little family, we can't leave him" he insists.

"Good. Then our little boy is gonna come with us" I cheer.

"Little" he asks and I laugh.

"You know what I mean" I giggle.

Every Rose Has It's Thorns (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now