This Is My Life

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After the album dropped it has been a whirlwind of craziness. I've had success in the music business, but nothing to this extent. Almost instantly my songs and album shot to the top of the charts and the physical albums sold out within 24 hours of them being in stores. I've called into radios to do interviews and appeared on talk shows around Chicago to perform some songs and they even put my album art up in time square. It's been insane watching my album go from unheard of to heard by nearly everyone in the world in the matter of days. I've been getting nonstop texts about how much my friends loved the songs and so much support for this new sound I have. I was feeling very blessed.

And no one was more appreciative or supportive of me than Patrick. Of course he should be, he's my boyfriend after all. But he's also my best friend and while we are on two totally different paths, in the end we just want to be with each other and that's why I believe we are going to go the distance.

I spend the most of this early March morning going through news articles to see how people enjoyed my music. I love reading fan stuff on twitter and facebook and YouTube. Of course it's not all sunshine and rainbows, there's some people that for whatever reason don't want to like you. Maybe they don't like my music or what I have to say. I never minded those people, there's far more people who like me than don't and as long as I'm not hurting anyone I don't really care.

After a while it comes time to head on over to Grant Park to record a music video. With the song To Love And To Be Loved also being the title to the album this is probably the first music video we should have shot for the album. But this one had to be shot in Chicago and the other ones were done in LA while I was there recording. And now I get to do this one.

Once I get there I change and get my hair and makeup done. The pier was pretty clear because it was March and it was closed in order to record this music video.

"Alright. Where's the love interest" I wonder as they finish up with my hair and makeup.

"He's coming" the producer promises. I let out a long sigh because I was ready to go home and didn't feel like waiting any longer. But I didn't have much of a choice.

"He's here" someone announces.

"Finally" I mumble.

I jump out of my seat but stop when I see Patrick standing there. He looked a mess because he just came from practice but he was still such a cutie. I run over to him and jump into his arms as he easily catches me.

"What are you doing here" I squeal.

"Word on the street was the the beautiful Madeline May needed a love interest and who better to be in this music video than the guy it's about" he asks and I smile.

"I love you so much" I insist.

"Love you most" he smiles.

He gets changed and they dry his hair so it's nice and curly. The music video was a simple concept, just as the song was. Basically we were just going to do couple things and they were going to record us. We mess around in the reflection of the bean and on the ice in front of the bean. It was actually a lot of fun and I kind of forget that we were shooting a music video. Eventually I sit on the bench and I just sing to him. A real innocent and fun little shoot.

"Alright. Now Patrick can you kiss Maddie" the producer asks and I blush.

"Don't gotta tell me twice" he smirks. Patrick pulls me into a kiss and although it was weird that it was orchestrated, I still enjoyed it.

"Good, now a little bit more" the producer says. Patrick grabs my leg and picks it up before dipping me backwards. "Good, Good. Now slip your hand up her dress" he instructs and I stop. Patrick doesn't do it initially but he starts to move his hand up my leg and I've decided that this was enough.

I break the kiss and turn to the producer as I look at him weird. He looked confused to as why I stopped but I was defiantly about to tell him.

"What exactly are you trying to do here" I ask not so nicely.

"I'm trying to make a music video that people actually want to see" he claims and I scoff.

"If people wanted to see all of that then I would be making a adult film" I insist.

"This song is about love and sometimes making love, I don't see how this is a problem. We got you your boyfriend instead of a random dude so this wouldn't be a problem" he defends.

"The problem is that I shouldn't have to practically have sex with Patrick in front of a camera for people to want to watch my music video. Asking Patrick to do more that what was already happening is incredibly indecent and really wrong" I insist.

"This is what the people want. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but your music isn't single handedly going to make people want to fall in love again. If you're trying to bring true love back by just singing and holding hands, it isn't going to be enough. No one's going to believe that you and him are just happy together. No one wants to see you and Patrick just hanging out, that's not good enough" he claims.

"My music... it's good enough. I've sold more records in the first week my album has been out than most artists sell in years. I don't need Patrick fondling me for people to know that what I sing about is real. And this song isn't just some song that you have sex to, it has meaning and purpose that doesn't need any kind of emphasis by Patrick sitting here undressing me" I argue.

"If you want this music video to get you anywhere you're going to do as I tell you. I'm the producer, this music video is my vision and what I say goes" he snaps.

"And this is my song and my relationship. This might just be another job for you but this is my life and I won't stand here and listen to some grown man try to manipulate my life" I yell.

With that turn on my heel and start to walk away. Patrick grabs my wrist and stops me making me sharply turn to him.

"What" I scream as the place falls silent. He stares at me with his big blue eyes and I can tell he was a little shocked right now.

"I need you to take a deep breath" he says. "This... this isn't you. I get you're upset and I get that you want to walk away. But if you do that he wins" he explains.

I let out that deep breath he told me to take and I close my eyes. I take a second to reflect before I shake my head.

"I just had a total ass hole moment huh" I ask.

"Not exactly. I was just as uncomfortable as you were but I was going to do it if it was for you" he claims and I smile.

"Thanks for that. I just... what's the point of me making my music for one thing and people using it for something totally different? This song... this album... I poured my heart into it and people aren't going to believe me. They're not going to listen to the lyrics unless we're out there fucking. It's just, I don't want to believe him but I do" I whisper.

"He's a video producer, what does he know about music? About you or me or your fans? This song and music video is important to you, to us, and I don't want you to walk away and regret it" he says.

"I can't go back there. I'm gonna punch him in the face" I promise as he laughs at me.

"As much as I would love to see that, I'm the one who is supposed to be punching people" he jokes and I shake my head.

"Alright. Lets see what we can do" I sigh.

I walk back to where the producer is and I look him in his eyes. He just screamed ass hole but I needed to finish this.

"We can finish the video but I will not continue to have you over sexulaize my work. Either you take it back or I'm finding a new producer" I threaten.

"Fine" he mumbles.

We finish the video and I thank everyone except for the producer. I tell my dad I never want to see than man again and just hope he doesn't blackball me or something.

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