Biggest Fan

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I don't know what it is, if it's the fact that I can be somewhere other than Chicago and LA and just enjoy it for once, maybe it's the fact that for once everyone's focus isn't on me. Whatever it is, I'm in love with being in Vancouver for The Olympics with Patrick and his family. Around here I wasn't the great Madeline May, I was just a fan along with everyone else and it has been one of the greatest experiences of my life. I never wanted to leave this little life I was living here. I've done more things for the first time in the short amount of time I've been here than I have my entire adult life in Chicago and in LA. I could write a whole album about it if I wanted to, but I still have to release my other one first. My dad insisted the album dropped as soon as I was back so he can throw a album release party, but until the Olympics were over he was going to have to wait. For now I'm walking around in my Patrick Kane jersey being a fan for once.

"I kinda don't ever want to leave" I admit as we find our seats in the arena. It was the last prelim game of the tournament before they get into elimination games.

"How do you not want to go back to your mansion in Chicago" Jackie questions.

"I feel at peace here. I don't need big guys following me around or have someone constantly in my face asking awful questions" I say.

"But there's so many people that love you. That need you to be that person in Chicago it LA" she claims and I smile.

"You sound just like your brother" I insist as she laughs at me.

"Don't insult me" she teases.

"It's not that I don't want to go back, I just want things to be different when I do and I know it won't be. You know, hanging out with you and your family was the first time I felt like I belonged anywhere. You guys love Patrick just as much as I do and it's so nice to be surrounded by such great people. I can't find that anywhere else. Trust me, I've looked. And I have plenty of friends but no one I was comfortable sharing what I have with you guys. I guess I just been hurt so many times and I finally found my happiness. I'm not ready to let it go" I sigh.

"No matter what Patrick tells you, we're always going to be here for you. He's so into protecting you that he thinks that he has to protect you from us because we're just gonna make your life harder but we don't want that. We want you and our brother to be happy and if for whatever reason you're not and you think we can help don't hesitate to ask. I can assume in that business that you can't have a lot of friends. But my family and I, we want nothing but the best for you and our brother. So if you ever need someone to talk to or if we're in town and you want us to hang out then I'm here for you. We all are" she promises.

"Can I have a hug" I ask as she laughs at me. She doesn't say a word as she pulls me into her arms. "Thank you so much" I whisper.

"Any time" she assures me.

The game comes and goes and America wins yet again. They had a pretty decent team. They had to be pretty good to be teams like Sweden and Russia and Canada. At least that's what I'm told.

I wait for Patrick after the game with the rest of the hockey families down in the wings. I take some pictures and sign some things. I don't mind, I never minded that part. It breaks my heart when I see a little kid try to approach me but they see a body guard or security guy and they decide to walk away or get turned away by them. It breaks my heart because I was once that little kid wanting to meet my idol, I had many influences and if I was turned away I wouldn't be here today. I want so bad to be that person those kids want, but I can't always be.

I see a little girl come over to me and I smile big. She was wearing a Kane jersey just like mine and I thought it was the cutest thing ever. I bend down so I can see eye to eye with her before she stands right in front of me.

"Hey there sweetie. What's your name" I ask.

"Tammy" she says.

"Are you a fan of mine" I wonder.

"Huge fan! You're my favorite singer" she claims and I feel my heart skip a beat.

"And who's your favorite hockey player" I wonder.

"Patrick! He's from Buffalo just like me" she cheers.

"That's awesome! I bet he would be really excited to meet you" I insist and her eyes light up.

"Really" she gasps and I nod.

"I know so" I assure her.

Her parents let her wait with me for Patrick to come out. She tells me that she's six and she and her parents drove all the way up here to watch Patrick play. He was a hometown hero and Buffalo was proud of him, as they should be.

Once he finds me he lights up when he sees Tammy waiting for him. He signs her jersey and takes a picture before giving her a puck. The whole time she had the biggest smile on her face as she talks to her hero. He always does great with little kids, probably because they all love him and he loves them too, but watching him interact with this little girl and see how she responds to him. Well it was nothing short of beautiful.

"You like kids huh" I ask as we watch her walk away with her parents. She gives us a wave and we happily wave back.

"They're amazing. I can't wait to have kids" he claims.

"I think you can" I tease and he laughs.

"I mean I can wait. I don't need a kid right now. But I'm get excited thinking about us one day having a family" he isnskts.

"Us" I ask and he smiles.

"Yeah. It already kinda feels like you're already part of my family" he admits and I nod.

"Good. Because you're family is great. From your sisters to your parents to your grandpa. They're all great" I insist.

"And one day we can add our kids to that list" he claims and I smirk.

"You're really adamant on us having a family" I notice.

"I've always had dreams. None of them are bigger than one day you and I being married with kids doing whatever it is we want to do" he says.

"That does sound pretty great" I smile.

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