Favorite Place To Be

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After the Blackhawks handle the Canucks they easily hand the Sharks the western conference finals loss in just four games and they make it to their first Stanley cup finals appearance in a while. A lot of people thought they would make it here, the guys on the team even more-so. And it was cool to be a part of it, to see history in the making and not to be the one doing it.

And even though Patrick is in the middle of the most important series of his entire life, he insisted on taking me out on a date because we can never be too famous or too busy for dates. That's a big reason I think he's the one for me. Because I'm sure there's many guys who want to date me but would never make a effort to go on a date with me. It's too hard with the media attention and with Patrick time is not something we have a lot of. He loves hockey but he loves me more and he never misses a chance to show me that.

So I pull on a nice dress for this warm June day and I look at myself in the mirror. Even though there was a lot going on with the tour and hockey it's nice to rewind and relax for a little. We were gonna go on a little boat ride and enjoy dinner on the water. Get away for a while and just enjoy each other for once.

I go downstairs and feed Titan his dinner. I wait for Patrick to get ready because he honestly took longer than I did most times. So I chill out in a couch and read through the things people send me about my music and the tour. I hear Patrick come down the stairs and I smile to myself. I hop out of my spot and right over to him. I jump up and wrap my legs around him and I pull him into a kiss.

"Careful, if you keep this up we're never going to leave" he threatens as he grabs my butt so I don't fall down.

"And..." I trail off.

"And I spent a lot of money on tonight so we're going" he assures me.

I reluctantly jump down and he grabs my hand. We take off to our date and Kelly drops us off at the pier. We get on the boat and drift off into the lake. We get far enough away from the city that it disappears over the horizon and I smile big. I turn to Patrick who was just staring at me smiling.

"What" I ask.

"Nothing. It's just... you're truly beautiful and I have to thank God from time to time that I get to see you like this" he claims. I feel my face heat up as I turn away so I didn't break under his deep blue eyes. So I look into the water and get lost in the the waves.

"Sometimes I think all I'll ever be to other people is beautiful" I sigh.

"There's nothing wrong with that" he reminds me.

"I know that. But I've worked my whole life to get to this point and it wasn't just so people thought I was beautiful" I explain.

"People don't just think you're beautiful. They say you have a beautiful soul because you care so much about your fans, about the people who look up to you. They say everything you do is beautiful because it's pure and it's real and therefore carries its own beauty. They say that you make them feel beautiful every time your incredible voice passes their ears and they get this feeling in their chest that just can't be explained.

When we say that you're beautiful, we're not just saying that you look good. We don't need to tell you that in order for you to know you are a stunning woman. We're just saying that everything you do and all that you are... is beautiful" he explains.

"My god... you're making me cry" I sniffle. He smiles at me as he wipes my tears away.

"I just really appreciate you. And I want you to know that you're so loved by everyone around you" he insists.

"I only care about your love" I say softly. He pulls me close so my body was pressed go against his.

"I'm sorry if I've been distant with all this craziness with hockey lately" he randomly says and I shake my head.

"Is this what all of this is about? This extravagant date and you being so insistent we went on it" I question.

"I just feel bad that I'm not giving you as much attention as I feel like I should be. I know there's guys out there that can give you more attention and more time and I hate that I can't give it all to you myself" he claims as I shake my head.

"I don't care about the amount of attention you give me. I don't care how many times we see each other if you don't want to be here with me. All I care about is that when we're together there isn't another place you would rather be" I insist.

"Being with you it my favorite place to be" he claims.

"Then that's all that matters. I don't want a hundred years that don't matter, I would rather have a few years that do. And you give my life meaning, even when you're not right there next to me" I promise.

"I just... I feel awful. I don't want you to think I'm putting hockey in front of you because that's where I'm at all the time. My mind is often times with you" he assures me.

"And that's true love. Never let that feeling go" I insist.

"I won't. I'm never gonna let you go."

After we watch the sun set we eat dinner and have a good time like always. He tells me of all the crazy stuff that happens to him while the Blackhawks try to make history and I eat it all up. I loved hearing him talk and laugh at himself. He was so smart and so down to earth it was always fun hearing what he had to say.

"What do you think is going to happen when you win the Stanley cup" I ask him as I sit in his lap. I feel his body vibrate as he laughs as me.

"You mean if we win" he asks.

"I know what I said" I smirk.

"Well I think it's going to be a lot of fun. We're gonna party for days and having the day with the cup will be a lot of fun. I would take it home and show it around, make it really count in someone's life" he explains.

"Who knows. You might inspire a future Stanley cup winner bringing it back to Buffalo" I say and he smiles.

"That would be something."

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