Found You

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Since things with Madeline and I have been going really well we decided to widen our bubble a little. So she was going to come and meet some of the guys on the team and hang out before the game for a little since she didn't have any friends of her own to introduce me too. At least no one around here. I know stuff like this is hard for her, she's sheltered and for a good reason, but I wasn't going to let anyone hurt her, and especially not one of my guys, so I know she will be safe. I go over to her house to pick her up and she buzzed me in. I walk in and find her pulling on some shoes by the front door.

"I got something for you" I say holding up a fresh Patrick Kane jersey in front of her face.

"Just what I was hoping for" she claims and she takes the sweater from me. "Let me go change really quick and we can go" she assures me and I nod. She takes off up the stairs and I make myself comfortable. I look around at all the plaques she has from her music hanging up on the wall and there's some billboard music awards and Grammys sitting around on some stands and I smile to myself. I know these weren't all her awards but still, Madeline was a genuinely great girl and I'm so happy that she has the success that comes with it. She really was special and I hope I could get her to see what everyone else sees.

Eventually she comes out in my jersey and I smile bigger than I should have. She does a little spin and I feel my heart skip a beat. She looked a little too good in that jersey to be honest with you.

"How do I look" she asks and I nod in approval.

"Perfect" I admit and she starts to blush. How cute is she?

We head over to the United Center and a bunch of the guys were hanging out in what we call the underground. There was the workout room and the food room and the locker room, whatever we needed to get ready for the game tonight. I start off by introducing her to everyone even though everyone knows who she is. For the most part they don't embarrass me but it was obvious a few of them were star struck, I can't blame them. And of course Jonathan was the one I was worried about running his mouth and saying something he shouldn't.

"Madeline this is my old roommate and best bud Jonathan. Jonny, you know who this is" I say as I introduce the two. Jonathan looked both shocked and excited as she pulls him into a hug. He gives me a thumbs up behind her back and I just shake my head. What a idiot?

"So you willingly went out with him? He isn't paying you and you don't just feel bad for him" Jonny asks and I roll my eyes. I honestly expect nothing less from him.

"I'm very sure I make more money than him and if anything you should feel bad for him. My life is kind of crazy and for some reason he wants to be a part of it" she says.

"Well if it's crazy you're used to then you're in the right place" Jonny assures her.

After a while I take her out to the ice and away from the guys. They were great but a lot of them wanted to get into game mode or eat or get ready. Plus they were changing and I don't think watching men change was what Madeline was thinking when I told her she was going to meet the guys. So we find some seats right behind the ice and look out. I watch as she admires the ice glistening as it waits for us to cut it up again.

"What's it like out there" she wonders and I smile.

"It's crazy really. Hockey in this city was nothing but a laughing stock not too long ago, and now it's stacked wall to wall with fans. A lot of them wearing my jersey just like you. It's pretty surreal" I admit.

"It kinda makes it all worth it, doesn't it" she asks and I turn to her.

I realize that even though we're in two totally different businesses we still had a lot of the same experiences and qualities. She understands me because she knows what it's like to be living under pressure. She knows what it's like to have people constantly asking for more even though she's giving it her all. She sees things the same way I see them and that's why it's been so easy for us to connect. I'm comfortable telling her anything and I know she feels the same way. I know our relationship shouldn't work out on paper but I don't see how I can ever be with anybody else. And I'm not just saying that because I'm a huge fan of hers or because she has by far the best house in the Midwest. I'm saying that as a person who has been a lot of the same things she has and had a lot of the same feelings. She was so familiar to me yet so mysterious, like a underwater city. But I was more than happy to be a part of her life and try to figure it out along side of her.

"What's your favorite part of singing in places like this" I question.

"Easily the fans. In places like this you can feel the energy vibrate through your body. I look out into the crowd and I don't just see faces, I see people who feel that same energy I do. If I could I would meet each and every one of them. They all have such cool stories of how they first started listening to me and how I helped them through some hard times. I love that I can be that shoulder people can lean on when no ones there. I love that I can give them a song to scream on top of their lungs and enter their own little world where they can't get hurt for three minutes at a time. I feel like I can help people forget about life for a while. That they can let go and be in their happy place for a little and just be one with my music. It's pretty great" she admits.

"Do you miss it? You know, touring and meeting fans" I ask.

"I do. But I also needed this break in the worst ways. I was losing myself in it all and now I can't find myself" she says.

"Well I'm really happy I found you. After all this time I never thought it would happen" I admit.

"I'm happy you found me too. I couldn't imagine where I would be without you right now. Probably a lot closer to finishing my album, but I love coming to hockey games. And now I have a great reason to" she claims.

"I'm glad I can help" I tease.

She goes up to her box before anyone recognizes her and she has her security team stationed outside of it for precaution. I head to the locker rooms to change and get ready.

"I have to admit, I really thought you were lying about Madeline up until today" Seabs admits.

"Well now you know" I tease.

"Do you really think this is going to work out. You know... you and her" Sharpy asks.

"I sure hope so. She's in a little rough patch right now but she sees me as a bright spot. I really really like her and I know she likes me, I just don't want to let her down" I insist.

"Well if you're the only thing she's looking forward to..." Jonny trails off. I throw a ball of tape at him and it bounces off his head before rolling on the floor.

"Give him a break. He's already dating someone way out of his league, he doesn't need this to get any harder" Sharpy insists.

"Thanks... I think."

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