Meet the Kanes

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My parents have been in LA since right after the meet and greet we had here in the city so my parents haven't had the chance to meet Patrick face to face. My moms dying to meet him and my dad is probably going to die too, but for a different reason. But until that day comes that's a problem for a different day.

And from what I heard Patrick's family is dying to meet me. Luckily for him his family was in town to catch a few games and was able to meet me. He was against it at first because he claims his sisters are embarrassing, but I assured him that if this relationship is going to go any farther than it already has then I would have to meet his family eventually. So he promises to introduce them to me and he has already apologized a hundred times for what's about to happen. But they're related to him, they can't be too bad. He always says they're the best thing he has so it can't be too bad, right?

I pull on a navy blue romper that I loved to wear out and it had pockets so that's a plus. I add a white shawl and white wedges to match before calling it a outfit. My hair was half up half down in its natural waves so it can breathe for a little while. But I hated having my hair in my face so I still pull half of it back so it's out of the way. Once my hair and makeup was done I was ready to go. I meet Patrick at his place before we take off to meet his family.

He ended up getting us reservations at this really nice restaurant in Navy Pier. His family has been in Chicago plenty of times before but this view never gets old. So we head there and he guides me to the back of the restaurant. I see three young girls and a older couple sitting in a booth and I smile. Patrick only talked about three things; hockey, how much he loves music, and how much he loves his family. And I know how important family is to someone like Patrick who didn't have much of childhood and a lot of friends he could trust. Trust me, I get it. And I'm happy he had five people who loved him no matter what.

The first person I see is one of his sisters who looked very excited to see me. She jumps out of her seat and over to where Patrick and I were walking before walking along beside me.

"Jaqueline" Patrick warns.

"I'm just going to introduce myself" his sister defends.

"She already knows who you are" Patrick insists and I nod.

"You're Jackie and you're the youngest of the Kane kids. But Patrick was closest with you and you guys always pick on each other" I remember.

"That's me" she giggles.

"And you're Erica" I say turning to the blonde one who just joined us. "You went to go to college for interior design and you're a little over a year younger than Patrick so you guys went through a lot together" I explain. "Then there's Jessica who stays with Patrick from time to time. You're the one he can't say no to and he always helps you out" I smile.

"Pretty good" Jessica admits.

"Patrick talks about you guys all the time. He won't admit it but he would do anything for you all" I insist.

"Anything but let us meet his girlfriend" Erica teases.

"Hey, you guys know each other now. I think it's good enough" he claims.

"But we haven't even eaten yet" I insist.

"We have food at the apartment" he reminds me.

"I don't want that food. I want to eat here and talk with your family" I pout.

"I don't want them to embarrass me" he argues.

"We're not going to embarrass you" his mom Donna insists as we take our seats.

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